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Agency:    Department of Transportation
Bureau:    Federal Aviation Administration
Account:    Facilities and equipment (Airport and airway trust fund) (69-8107)
Certifying Official:    Budget Director
Contact Information:    http://WWW.DOT.GOV   202-366-4570
AAFAS - Airborne Automated Flight Alert System

1 recipient will receive $2,976,000. This is a continuing earmark.
Year Enacted: 2005
Description: ATDP - Airborne Automated Flight Alert System
Beneficiary/Recipient Amount ($K) Program Type Address
Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. $2,976 FAA Facilities and Equipment For-Profit
300 Sparkman Drive NW
Huntsville, AL
Source: Appropriations Report Language - Conference
Reference: 108-342 & 108-792
Citation Excerpt: Senate Appropriations Committee Report 108-342: "Airborne Automated Flight Alert System.'The Committee has included $3,000,000 to continue the demonstration of a prototype rapid response capability to transmit flight data from commercial type aircraft using data management and communications equipmentalready installed on most modern aircraft, through software modernization. The Committee views this funding as a continuationof on-going AAFAS work." & Appropriations Committee Conference Report 108-792: "Advanced Technology and prototyping. The conference agreement includes $59,075,000 for advanced technology'The following table compares the conference agreement to the House and Senate bills by Budget activity...Airborne Automated Flight Alert System 3,000,000..."

Citation Comment: Conference report amounts were reduced by an across-the-board rescission.

Last Modified: Mar 7, 2007

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