- Results page:
Agency | Program Name | Funding FY08 |
Last PART Assessment |
Rating | Link to Program |
Department of Agriculture | Emergency Conservation Program | 18 | 2006 | Results Not Demonstrated | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Emergency Watershed Protection Program | 260 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Federal Crop Insurance | 6497 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | Non-Insured Crop Assistance Program | 105 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of Agriculture | USDA Wildland Fire Management | 2054 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Department of Commerce | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: Tsunami Monitoring, Forecasting, and Warning Program | 33 | 2008 | Effective | Link |
Dept of Health & Human Service | Commissioned Corps:Readiness and Response Program | 17 | 2006 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard Marine Environmental Protection | 283 | 2003 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Coast Guard: Search and Rescue | 1091 | 2007 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency - Mitigation Programs | 3679 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Grants and Training Office Technical Assistance Program | 50 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Disaster Recovery | 4849 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Disaster Response | 644 | 2004 | Adequate | Link |
Dept of Homeland Security | Federal Emergency Management Agency: Readiness | 200 | 2006 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Department of State | Contribution to the United Nations Children's Fund and Other Programs | 126 | 2006 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Humanitarian Migrants to Israel | 40 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Migration and Refugee Assistance -- Other Population, Refugee and Migration Programs | 192 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Migration and Refugee Assistance -- Protection | 201 | 2005 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | Refugee Admissions to the US | 233 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of State | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | 452 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Department of Transportation | Highway Emergency Relief Program | 1145 | 2005 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Corps of Engineers-Civil Works | Corps of Engineers: Emergency Management | 1565 | 2004 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Environmental Protection Agy | EPA Radiation Protection Program | 26 | 2007 | Moderately Effective | Link |
Intl Assistance Programs | International Disaster Assistance | 526 | 2005 | Adequate | Link |
Small Business Administration | Disaster Loan Program | 546 | 2004 | Effective | Link |
Corp for Natl & Commun Service | AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps | 24 | 2005 | Ineffective | Link |
- Results page: