Program Assessment
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Fish and Wildlife Service - Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration
The purpose of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program is, in cooperation with States, to restore, conserve, and enhance the nation's fish and wildlife resources. The emphasis of the program is on restoring habitat and providing benefits from these resources to the public.
What This Rating Means |
NOT PERFORMING Results Not Demonstrated
A rating of Results Not Demonstrated (RND) indicates that a program has not been able to develop acceptable performance goals or collect data to determine whether it is performing.
- While the program has a clear purpose and design, the program needs to develop long-term outcome and annual output-oriented performance goals in conjunction with partners. The program needs to emphasize outcome goals that reflect on the improvement of fish and wildlife resources. Achieving these goals depends on the efforts of many partners.
- Components of the program have been reviewed by outside organizations but there are no regularly scheduled non-biased, independent evaluations of the entire program. For example, the Government Accountability Office has looked at the use of Administrative funds and the management of the program but not the effectiveness of the entire program.
- The program does not have a strong accountability system. Some partners are held to cost, schedule, and performance results through agreements while others are not. Similarly, while Senior Executive Service level managers currently have performance goals in their performance plans their lower level managers typically do not.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Developing long-term outcome and annual output performance goals with partners through the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement update process.
- Implementing regularly scheduled non-biased, independent program evaluations.
- Revising individual employee performance plans and, when appropriate, partner agreements to include specific, measurable annual and long-term goals.
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