Program Assessment
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United States-Mexico Border Health Commission
The United States-Mexico Border Health Commission works with Mexico to identify and evaluate current and future health problems that affect the border area. Activities include conducting public health needs assessments, supporting health promotion and disease prevention activities, and monitoring health problems.
What This Rating Means |
NOT PERFORMING Results Not Demonstrated
A rating of Results Not Demonstrated (RND) indicates that a program has not been able to develop acceptable performance goals or collect data to determine whether it is performing.
- The Commission could not demonstrate its impact on improving border health (such as reducing the incidence of diabetes, tuberculosis, HIV) because data are not available to show the progress made in achieving goals. The Commission has established performance goals and targets, but is still collecting performance results.
- The Commission was unable to demonstrate improved efficiencies or cost effectiveness, because it does not have an efficiency measure in place.
- The evaluations undertaken by the Commission were not of sufficient scope to demonstrate it is effective in achieving results. The evaluations were targeted at specific activities, such as the Tuberculosis Referral and Case Management Project, instead of more broadly assessing the success of the Commission on improving border health.
Improvement Plan
About Improvement Plans |
We are taking the following actions to improve the performance of the program:
- Collecting and reporting, and using performance data to make decisions.
- Continuing to develop additional targets for annual measures.
- Developing a plan, as part of the Healthy Border 2010 mid-term assessment, to evaluate the performance of the US-Mexico Border Health Commission.
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