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The Recreation One-Stop initiative makes it easier for citizens to plan a vacation (or a brief recreational break during a business trip), and make a reservation for a campsite, cabin, or tour at Federal recreation sites.

The audience includes all US citizens plus potential tourists (>300 million) as well as recreational data sharing partners including 11 Federal agencies, 50 states, and assorted travel providers.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of Federal agencies exchanging data with Recreation Information Database (RIDB) 100% As of 8/07 100% 100% 100%
100% As of 3/07
100% As of 9/06

11 Federal partners (Smithsonian, Tennessee Valley Authority, National Archives, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Federal Highway Administration, Forest Service, Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service, Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management, and Fish and Wildlife Service) manage federal recreation areas. All 11 organizations provide information to the Recreation Information Database (RIDB).

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of Federal areas/facilities in RIDB 85% As of 8/07 85% 100% 100%
63% As of 9/06

Includes recreational areas (e.g., national forests) and facilities (e.g., campgrounds).

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
# of non-Federal partners utilizing data from the RIDB 2 As of 3/08 Not Available Not Available Not Available
2 As of 8/07
2 As of 3/07

There are 2 non-Federal partners utilizing data from the RIDB to post to their websites. Non-Federal partners include states, travel bureaus, visitor bureaus, convention bureaus, and other organizations.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of reservations made online per quarter 76% Q2 FY08 70% 70% 70%
74% Q3 FY07
70% Q2 FY07
55% Q4 FY06

Current measure reflects usage of legacy reservation systems (National Park Reservation Service and National Recreation Reservation Service).

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
# of visits to 7,569,017 As of 2/08 Not Available Not Available Not Available
2,798,536 Q3 FY07
588,201 3/07 re-launched February 7, 2007.


Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
Customer satisfaction with the interagency reservation system 64 As of 3/08 Not Available Not Available Not Available

Recreation One-Stop began using a new satisfaction measurement tool in Fall '07. The current score on the Amesican Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a 64.

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