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The Enterprise Human Resource Integration (EHRI) initiative is developing policies and tools to streamline and automate the electronic exchange of standardized HR data needed for creation of an official employee record across the Executive Branch. The EHRI tool set and central data repository provides comprehensive knowledge management workforce analysis, forecasting, and reporting across the Executive Branch for the strategic management of human capital.

There are currently 1.8 million Federal employees.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of Scorecard agencies using Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) 65% As of 3/24/08 30% 58% 100%
62% As of 12/07
58% As of 9/07
50% As of 8/07
46% As of 3/07
23% As of 9/06

Percentage of the 26 Scorecard Agencies using eOPF.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
% of Official Personnel Folders in electronic data warehouse 40% As of 3/24/08 600,000 total 900,000 total 100%
37% As of 12/07
30% As of 8/07
22% As of 3/07
18% As of 9/06

Percentage of converted hard copy official personnel folders governmentwide.


Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
Customer satisfaction with Workforce Analysis Support Systems and Civilian Forecasting tools 43% As of 12/07 Not Available Not Available Not Available
50% As of 9/07

Agency satisfaction with reporting tool set.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
Customer satisfaction with eOPF 81% As of 12/07 Not Available Not Available Not Available
75% As of 9/07
78% As of 7/07
74% As of 3/07

Quarterly online survey administered to HR Specialists using eOPF on overall satisfaction with eOPF. Measure reflects % of respondents that are satisfied or extremely satisfied with eOPF.


Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY07 Target FY08 Target Targeted Outcome
Cost avoidance $40,490,641 FY07 $26,538,000 $39,807,000 $81,632,525
$18,090,070 FY06

$44.23 estimated annual one time cost avoidance on a per folder basis includes agency & incremental National Archives and Records Administration storage cost, agencies cost to retrieve OPF forms, OPF forms filing cost, OPF forms printing cost, OPF copying cost, mailing cost between the agencies, mailing and courier cost within an agency, and replacing & rebuilding lost or misplaced OPFs.

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