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E-Vital promotes automating how deaths are registered with the states (Electronic Death Registration (EDR)).

There are 53 death registration jurisdictions from which SSA receives death data; i.e., the 50 States, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia and New York City.

Metric Name Measure Measure Period FY08 Target Description/Context
% of states and territories that have been awarded EDR contracts 58% Q4 FY07 58% Percentage of U.S. states and territories out of 53 U.S. states and territories that have been awarded Electronic Death Registration (EDR) contacts.
% of states and territories that have implemented their EDR systems 36% As of 12/07 58% Percentage of U.S. states and territories out of 53 U.S. states and territories that have implemented Electronic Death Registration (EDR).
% of death reports received via EDR 36% As of Q1 FY08 40% For states that have implemented EDR, this metric reflects the number of death reports received via EDR out of the total number of death reports.
Death notifications processing time Not Available Not Available Not Available Not available pending reporting by HHS.

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