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Mrs. Laura Bush is joined by former White House social secretaries Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2007 at the White House, during a tea in honor of Ms. Letitia Baldrige, front-row right, social secretary during the Kennedy administration. Joining Mrs. Bush, from left, are: Mrs. Elizabeth Clements Abell, seated left, social secretary during the Johnson administration; Ms.Maria Downs, social secretary under the Ford administration; Mrs. Lucy Winchester Breathitt, social secretary under the Nixon administration; Mrs. Ann Stock, social secretary during the Clinton administration; Amy Zantzinger, current White House social secretary and Mrs. Cathy Fenton, Mrs. Bush's former social secretary. White House photo by Shealah Craighead
Mrs. Laura Bush is joined by former White House social secretaries Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2007 at the White House, during a tea in honor of Ms. Letitia Baldrige, front-row right, social secretary during the Kennedy administration. Joining Mrs. Bush, from left, are: Mrs. Elizabeth Clements Abell, seated left, social secretary during the Johnson administration; Ms.Maria Downs, social secretary under the Ford administration; Mrs. Lucy Winchester Breathitt, social secretary under the Nixon administration; Mrs. Ann Stock, social secretary during the Clinton administration; Amy Zantzinger, current White House social secretary and Mrs. Cathy Fenton, Mrs. Bush's former social secretary. White House photo by Shealah Craighead

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