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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
December 7, 2006

President Bush to Welcome President Boni Yayi of the Republic of Benin to the White House

President Bush will welcome President Boni Yayi of the Republic of Benin to the White House on December 14, 2006. The President and President Yayi will discuss maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea, along with Benin's role in regional security, peacekeeping, and promoting democracy. The two leaders will also discuss Benin's successes in implementing economic reform and attracting outside investment. In February 2006, Benin signed a compact worth $307 million with the Millennium Challenge Corporation, designed to enhance private sector activity. The two Presidents will also discuss joint efforts to combat HIV/AIDS and malaria in Benin. President Bush looks forward to the opportunity to recognize Benin's efforts to reduce poverty and improve access to education and healthcare.

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