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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 9, 2006

Statement on The President's Malaria Initiative

The President has announced Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Senegal as the newest countries to be added to the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI). The President's initiative commits a landmark $1.2 billion over five years aimed at reducing malaria-related mortality by 50 percent in each of the target countries after three years of full implementation. This effort will eventually cover more than 175 million people in 15 or more of the most affected African countries.

These four countries will join Angola, Tanzania, and Uganda as focus countries announced by President Bush in June 2005. Eight additional countries will be added in FY08. To date, the PMI is benefiting almost two million people in the initial three countries with cost-effective malaria prevention and treatment activities. By the end of September, the PMI will have benefited about six million persons.

Also, USAID has announced that Mr. R. Timothy Ziemer will serve as the U.S. Malaria Coordinator. Mr. Ziemer will have direct authority over both the PMI and all USAID malaria programs and policy.

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