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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 7, 2006

Executive Order: Task Force on New Americans

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to strengthen the efforts of the Department of Homeland Security and Federal, State, and local agencies to help legal immigrants embrace the common core of American civic culture, learn our common language, and fully become Americans, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment. The Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) shall immediately establish within the Department of Homeland Security (Department) a Task Force on New Americans (Task Force).

Sec. 2. Membership and Operation. (a) The Task Force shall be limited to the following members or employees designated by them at no lower than the Assistant Secretary level or its equivalent:

(i) the Secretary of Homeland Security, who shall serve as Chair;

(ii) the Secretary of State;

(iii) the Secretary of the Treasury;

(iv) the Secretary of Defense;

(v) the Attorney General;

(vi) the Secretary of Agriculture;

(vii) the Secretary of Commerce;

(viii) the Secretary of Labor;

(ix) the Secretary of Health and Human Services;

(x) the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;

(xi) the Secretary of Education;

(xii) such other officers or employees of the Department of Homeland Security as the Secretary may from time to time designate; and

(xiii) such other officers of the United States as the Secretary may designate from time to time, with the concurrence of the respective heads of departments and agencies concerned.

(b) The Secretary shall convene and preside at meetings of the Task Force, direct its work, and as appropriate, establish and direct subgroups of the Task Force that shall consist exclusively of Task Force members. The Secretary shall designate an official of the Department to serve as the Executive Secretary of the Task Force, and the Executive Secretary shall head the staff assigned to the Task Force.

Sec. 3. Functions. Consistent with applicable law, the Task Force shall:

(a) provide direction to executive departments and agencies (agencies) concerning the integration into American society of America's legal immigrants, particularly through instruction in English, civics, and history;

(b) promote public-private partnerships that will encourage businesses to offer English and civics education to workers;

(c) identify ways to expand English and civics instruction for legal immigrants, including through faith-based, community, and other groups, and ways to promote volunteer community service; and

(d) make recommendations to the President, through the Secretary, from time to time regarding:

(i) actions to enhance cooperation among agencies on the integration of legal immigrants into American society;

(ii) actions to enhance cooperation among Federal, State, and local authorities responsible for the integration of legal immigrants;

(iii) changes in rules, regulations, or policy to improve the effective integration of legal immigrants into American society; and

(iv) proposed legislation relating to the integration of legal immigrants into American society.

Sec. 4. Administration. (a) To the extent permitted by law, the Department shall provide the funding and administrative support the Task Force needs to implement this order, as determined by the Secretary.

(b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) authority granted by law to an agency or the head thereof; or

(ii) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(c) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(d) This order is intended to improve the internal management of the Federal Government. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity against the United States, its departments, agencies, entities, instrumentalities, officers, employees, agents, or any other person.



June 7, 2006.

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