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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 24, 2005

Fact Sheet: Valuing Life Through Embryo Adoption and Ethical Stem Cell Research

      President Discusses Embryo Adoption and Ethical Stem Cell Research

Today's Presidential Action

Today, President Bush Will Deliver Remarks On Embryo Adoption And Ethical Stem Cell Research Policy At The White House. To recognize this life-affirming alternative, the President will meet with 21 families that have adopted children as embryos and will reiterate his opposition to using taxpayer money to promote research that takes life.

Background: Embryo Adoption And Ethical Stem Cell Research

President Bush Supports Embryo Adoption As A Life-Affirming Alternative. Embryo adoption provides an option for the survival and development of embryos frozen in fertility clinics, giving them a chance at life and giving infertile couples the opportunity to build a family.

Embryo Adoption Shows The Human Face Behind The Debate On Stem Cell Research. The debate over government funding of embryonic stem cell research is not just about science. It is about human life.

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