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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
February 10, 2005

Statement on Transition of Power in Togo

The President strongly supports efforts by the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to promote a democratic resolution of the current situation in Togo. The United States joins with the United Kingdom and France in calling for a peaceful, orderly, transparent and democratic transition of power.

The United States fully endorses the communiqus issued by the African Union Peace and Security Council on February 7, and the ECOWAS summit on February 9. Both communiqus condemned the manner through which de facto Togolese authorities organized the succession in Togo following the death of President Eyadema and characterized this transition as a violation of the Togolese Constitution.

The United States calls for the government of Togo to use legitimate constitutional means to move towards free and fair national elections in order to fully protect the democratic aspirations and human rights of the Togolese people.

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