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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 29, 2004

President's Statement on the Defense Authorization Act of 2005

Protecting the American people is my most solemn responsibility, and a superior U.S. military is essential to that effort and to fighting and winning the global war on terrorism. The Defense Authorization Act of 2005 will continue to strengthen our security and ensure that our troops are the best-paid, best-trained, and best-equipped fighting force in the world .

We have increased military pay by over 20 percent since I came into office, and this legislation includes the fourth consecutive pay raise for our service men and women. It funds more protective equipment like body armor and reinforced Humvees to keep our troops as safe as possible.

This bill also continues the transformation of our military and funds the technology and advanced weapons systems we need. And it keeps our commitment to our troops, military retirees, reservists, and their families by ensuring they get the health, housing, and other benefits that they deserve. This bill will help us continue to strengthen our all-volunteer military.


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