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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 1, 2004
Statement on H.J. Res. 107, H.R. 5149, and H.R. 5183
On Thursday, September 30, 2004, the President signed into law:
H.J.Res. 107, the "Joint Resolution making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2005, and for other purposes."
H.R. 5149, which extends certain welfare and related programs that expire on September 30, 2004.
H.R. 5183, which (1) provides funding for programs funded from the Highway Trust Fund for the period October 1, 2004, through May 31, 2005; (2) authorizes the expenditure of remaining contract authority for FY 2004; and (3) provides for the transfer of gasohol taxes to the Highway Trust Fund for FY 2004.
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