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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 21, 2003

Fact Sheet
APEC Announces Important Commitments on Security

Presidential Action

Today, President Bush welcomed APEC Leaders' agreement to new security commitments to dismantle terrorist groups, eliminate the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and confront other direct threats to the security of the region. These commitments on security will complement APEC's landmark 1994 Bogor Goals on free trade and investment.

Bangkok Security Commitments: APEC Leaders agreed to "dedicate APEC" not only to advancing prosperity, but also to the "complementary mission of ensuring the security of our people." Recognizing that terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are "direct and profound challenges to APEC's vision of free, open and prosperous economies", Leaders pledged to take "all essential actions" to:

  • "Dismantle, fully and without delay, transnational terrorist groups" that threaten the APEC economies.
  • "Eliminate the severe and growing danger posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery" by strengthening international non-proliferation regimes, adopting and enforcing effective export controls, and taking other legitimate and appropriate measures against proliferation. "
  • "Confront other direct threats to the security of our region."
  • To operationalize these goals, Leaders pledged to discuss at each Leaders meeting their progress toward these security commitments, and to take specific actions in pursuit of them.

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