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For Immediate Release
July 9, 2003
The Rights and Aspirations of the Peoples of the Middle East
President Bush believes in the non-negotiable demands of human dignity for all people everywhere. During his June 2003 trip to the Middle East, the President reiterated his vision for two states living side by side, a state of Palestine and a state of Israel. As President Bush said at Aqaba, Jordan, on June 4, 2003: "Ultimately, permanent security requires peace, and permanent peace can only be obtained through security. And there is now hope of a new opportunity for peace between Israelis and Palestinians."
"All here today now share a goal: the Holy Land must be shared
between the state of Palestine and the state of Israel, living at peace
with each other and with every nation of the Middle East. All sides
will benefit from this achievement and all sides have responsibilities
to meet. As the road map accepted by the party makes clear, both must
make tangible immediate steps toward this two-state vision."
President Bush Statement on Road Map to Peace with Sharon, Abbas, and King Abdullah
Aqaba, Jordan
June 4, 2003
"Great success happens when there's two states, living side-by-side
in peace. And this is progress."
President Bush Statement on the Road Map Toward Peace
Aboard Air Force One
June 4, 2003
"We meet in Sinai at a moment of promise for the cause of peace in
the Middle East. We see the potential for unity against terror. We see
the potential for the birth of a new and Palestinian state. We see the
potential for broader peace among the peoples of this region. Achieving
these goals will require courage and moral vision on every side, from
every leader. America is committed, and I am committed, to helping all
the parties to reach the hard and heroic decisions that will lead to
President Bush Meets with President Mubarak of Egypt
Sharm el Sheikh
June 3, 2003
"[W]e all have got to work together to make security real -- not
only for Israel, but for the Palestinian people."
President Bush Statement on the Road Map Toward Peace
The Library
May 29, 2003
"[T]here are responsibilities that all of us have as leaders, not
only responsibility to the new Prime Minister of the Palestinian
Authority, not only the responsibility of the Israeli Prime Minister,
but a responsibility for the leadership in the Arab world to fight
terror, prevent killers from stopping the process from going forward."
President Bush Statement on Upcoming Meeting with Abbas and Sharon
The Roosevelt Room, Washington D.C.
May 29, 2003
"Some believe that democracy in the Middle East is unlikely, if not
impossible. They argue that the people of the Middle East have little
desire for freedom or self-government. These same arguments have been
heard before in other times, about other people. [e]very milestone of
liberty over the last 60 years was declared impossible until the very
moment it happened. The history of the modern world offers a lesson for
the skeptics: do not bet against the success of freedom."
President Bush Presses for Peace in the Middle East
Remarks in Comencement Address at the University of South Carolina
May 9, 2003
".we also see hopeful signs of change. About half of all the Muslim
people live under democratic rule in nations from Turkey to Indonesia.
The governments of Bahrain and Morocco have held recent and free
elections. And Jordan will hold elections next month. The people of
Qatar have approved a new constitution guaranteeing basic freedoms.
Crown Prince Abdallah of Saudi Arabia has proposed a new Arab charter
calling for internal reform and enhanced political participation in
nations of that region. [a]nd in Iran, the desire for freedom is
stirring. In the face of harsh repression, Iranians are courageously
speaking out for democracy and the rule of law and human rights. And
the United States strongly supports their aspirations for freedom."
President Bush Presses for Peace in the Middle East
Remarks in Commencement Address at the University of South Carolina
May 9, 2003
"I urge Israelis and Palestinians to work with us and with other
members of the international community, and above all directly with
each other to immediately end the violence and return to a path of
peace based on the principles and objectives outlined in my statement
of June 24, 2002. Both Israelis and Palestinians have suffered from the
terror and violence, and from the loss of hope in a better future of
peace and security. An opportunity now exists to move forward. The
United States will do all it can to seize this opportunity. To that
end, I have asked Secretary Powell to travel to the region to begin
working with the parties so that we can take advantage of this moment."
President Bush statement on the Middle East
Office of the Press Secretary
April 30, 2003
"America is committed, and I am personally committed, to implementing our road map toward peace. Our efforts are guided by clear principles: We believe that all people in the Middle East - Arab and Israeli alike - deserve to live in dignity, under free and honest governments. We believe that people who live in freedom are more likely to reject bitterness, blind hatred and terror; and are far more likely to turn their energy toward reconciliation, reform and development.
"There can be no peace for either side in the Middle East unless
there is freedom for both. Reaching that destination will not be easy,
but we can see the way forward. Now the parties must take that way,
step by step, and America will be the active partner of every party that seeks true peace."
President Bush Statement on the Road Map to Peace
The Rose Garden
March 14, 2003
"Success in Iraq could also begin a new stage for Middle Eastern
peace, and set in motion progress towards a truly democratic
Palestinian state. The passing of Saddam Hussein's regime will deprive
terrorist networks of a wealthy patron that pays for terrorist
training, and offers rewards to families of suicide bombers. And other
regimes will be given a clear warning that support for terror will not
be tolerated."
President Bush Discusses the Future of Iraq
Washington Hilton Hotel
February 26, 2003
"The United States and other nations are working on a road map for
peace. We are setting out the necessary conditions for progress toward
the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in
peace and security. It is the commitment of our government -- and my
personal commitment -- to implement the road map and to reach that
President Bush Discusses the Future of Iraq
Washington Hilton Hotel
February 26, 2003
"[T]here are a lot of non-governmental organizations doing work
within the Palestinian Territory to make sure that people don't starve.
But the net effect of terrorism is to not only stop the peace process,
but is to cause suffering amongst all the people of the region. And
that's why our war against terror must -- must remain steadfast and
strong, wherever terror exists."
President Bush Signs Child Internet Safety Legislation
The Roosevelt Room, Washington, D.C.
December 4, 2002
"Well, first of all, I'm committed to peace. That's - I can speak
for myself. And I'm committed to a vision of two states respecting each
other, two states living side by side in peace."
President Bush, King Abdullah Discuss Middle East Peace
The Oval Office, Washington, D.C.
August 1, 2002
"This moment is both an opportunity and a test for all parties in
the Middle East: an opportunity to lay the foundations for future
peace; a test to show who is serious about peace and who is not. The
choice here is stark and simple. The Bible says, 'I have set before you
life and death; therefore, choose life.' The time has arrived for
everyone in this conflict to choose peace, and hope, and life."
President Bush Calls for New Palestinian Leadership
The Rose Garden
June 24, 2002
"I don't think Mr. Arafat is the issue. I think the issue is the Palestinian people. And as I have expressed myself, I am disappointed that he has not led in such a way that the Palestinian people have hope and confidence. And so, therefore, what we've got to do is work to put institutions in place which will allow for a government to develop which will bring confidence not only to Israelis, but the Palestinians."
"And so, first things first, and that is, what institutions are necessary to give the Palestinian people hope and to give the
Israelis confidence that the emerging government will be someone with whom they can deal. And that's going to require security steps; transparency, when it comes to economic matters; anti-corruption devices; rule of law, enforced by a court system."
President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Sharon
Washington, D.C.
June 10, 2002
"The United States and the EU share a common vision of two states,
Palestine and Israel, living side by side in peace and security. This
vision offers the Palestinian people a new opportunity to choose how
they live. We should take this opportunity to help build institutions
that will serve the Palestinian people, a Palestinian state and its
neighbors, as well."
President Bush Meets with European Leaders
The East Room, Washington, D.C.
May 2, 2002
"There are clearly people in the Middle East who would use terror
as a weapon to derail any peace process. And for there to be peace --
something I long for, and something I know that Israel and the
Palestinian people long for -- in order for there to be peace, we must
continue to rout out terror. And the message can't be more clear, and
we're going to continue to hold people accountable for results."
President Bush Statement on the Middle East
The Bush Ranch, Crawford, Texas
April 28, 2002
"When an 18 year old Palestinian girl is induced to blow herself
up, and in the process kills a 17 year old Israeli girl, the future,
itself, is dying -- the future of the Palestinian people and the future
of the Israeli people. The United States is strongly committed to
finding a just settlement in the Middle East. That settlement must lead
to two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and
President Bush Radio Address to the Nation
April 6, 2002
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