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April 2003
For Immediate Release
Office of the First Lady
April 8, 2003
Mrs. Bush's Bush's Remarks at the National Library Week Celebration – EOP Virtual Library Launch
The Library
Eisenhower Executive Office Building
Thank you, Stacia for your warm welcome. And thank you, White House librarians for the wonderful work that you do here at the Library of the Executive Office of the President. This library is a valuable center of knowledge within the White House. Since it opened 125 years ago, the library has grown from a small reference collection to a modern research facility, with a strong concentration in American history and government.
But books, information and computers alone do not make libraries
great - librarians do. Your job is an important one. Many offices
within the White House rely on the research and information that you
provide. By collecting, cataloging and sharing this information, you
bring the library to life for White House employees.
I admire the work librarians do so much that I decided to become one. And there is no greater joy for a librarian than to introduce a new service that will help patrons better access information. The new EOP Virtual Library will do just that. With a database center, online catalog, subject indexes, and "Ask a Librarian" feature - the Virtual Library will greatly enhance the library experience for patrons.
Today, using technology to deliver the services you provide is critical. Libraries continue to lead the way in information gathering and sharing services. The Internet is a valuable research tool that provides access to limitless information. But the Internet's greatness is dependent upon everyone being able to use it effectively.
The new EOP virtual library will enable patrons to access information on the Internet readily and easily. Websites and articles will be organized by subject and will save patrons time searching for information.
Launching the EOP Virtual Library today is a perfect start to National Library Week. This week is not only a celebration of our nation's libraries, but of the people who make them great - each one of you. It is a time to recognize and thank librarians for the valuable work you do in schools, businesses and communities across America.
As we launch the virtual public library, we launch a new chapter in the history of the Library of the Executive Office of the President - and we ensure that this institution continues to be a living repository for history, information and education.