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Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan


This Reorganization Plan is submitted pursuant to Section 1502 of the Department of Homeland Security Act of 2002 ("the Act"), which requires submission, not later than 60 days after enactment, of a reorganization plan regarding two categories of information concerning plans for the Department of Homeland Security ("the Department" or "DHS"):

    1. The transfer of agencies, personnel, assets, and obligations to the Department of Homeland Security pursuant to this Act.
    2. Any consolidation, reorganization, or streamlining of agencies transferred to the Department pursuant to this Act. Section 1502(a).

Section 1502(a). Section 1502(b) of the Act identifies six elements identifies six elements, that must be included in the plan, together with other elements ""as the President deems appropriate,."" as among those for discussion in the plan. Each of the elements set out in the statute is identified verbatim below, followed by a discussion of current plans with respect to that element.

By submission of this plan, the 90-day waiting period referenced in Section 1502(d) of the Act begins, and will expire on [February 24, 2003].

This plan is subject to modification pursuant to Section 1502(d) of the Act, which provides that on the basis of consultations with appropriate congressional committees the President may modify or revise any part of the plan until that part of the plan becomes effective. Additional details concerning the process for establishing the Department will become available in the coming weeks and months, and the President will work closely with Congress to modify this plan consistent with the Act.

Plan Elements

  1. Identification of any functions of agencies transferred to the Department pursuant to this Act that will not be transferred to the Department under the plan.

    Except as otherwise directed in the Act, all functions of agencies that are to be transferred to the Department pursuant to the Act will be transferred to the Department under the plan. The functions of agencies being transferred to the Department which the Act directs are not to be transferred are the following:

  2. Specification of the steps to be taken by the Secretary to organize the Department, including the delegation or assignment of functions transferred to the Department among officers of the Department in order to permit the Department to carry out the functions transferred under the plan.
    1. Steps to be taken by the Secretary to organize the Department. The President intends that the Secretary will intends to carry out the following actions on the dates specified. All of the following transfers shall be deemed to be made to DHS, and all offices and positions to be established and all officers and officials to be appointed or named shall be deemed to be established, appointed, or named within DHS.

    January 24, 2003 (effective date of the Act pursuant to Section 4):

  3. Specification of the funds available to each agency that will be transferred to the Department as a result of transfers under the plan.
  4. Specification of the proposed allocations within the Department of unexpended funds transferred in connection with transfers under the plan.
  5. Specification of any proposed disposition of property, facilities, contracts, records, and other assets and obligations of agencies transferred under the plan.

  6. Specification of the proposed allocations within the Department of the functions of the agencies and subdivisions that are not related directly to securing the homeland.

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