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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
October 19, 2002

Videotaped Remarks by the President to the Australian People

THE PRESIDENT: This Sunday is a day of national mourning in Australia, a day in which our friends mourn the needless loss of life. You come together as a nation to grieve for the victims of those who were killed by the murderers in Indonesia. And our country grieves with you, and we suffer with you. And we send our prayers to the families who cry, and we send our prayers for a speedy recovery for the injured.

Together we face an enemy which does not value innocent life, an enemy which tries to terrorize the free world into inaction. They will fail. Together we will hunt down the killers so that there's justice in the world. Together we will fight terror so as to keep the peace and to make the world more free.

America and Australia are close friends. We value our friendship. We remember so well after September the 11, 2001, your prayers, your sympathies, your strong support. And we will never forget it.

On this sad day, on this day of mourning, America is with you in spirit. May God bless the victims and their families. May God heal the injured. And may God continue to bless Australia.


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