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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 18, 2002

Nominations Sent to the Senate

Peter DeShazo, of Florida, a Career Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, for the rank of Ambassador during tenure of service as Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the Organization of American States.

John L. Morrison, of Minnesota, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for a term expiring December 17, 2004, vice John J. Pikarski, Jr., term expired.


John Roderick Davis, of Alabama, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation for a term expiring December 10, 2005, vice E. Gordon Gee, term expired, which was sent to the Senate on May 6, 2002.

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