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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 11, 2002

Statement by the Press Secretary

The President appreciates the hard work by Chairman Leon Kass and the entire Council on Bioethics on the issuance of its first report on the subject of human cloning. The prospect of human cloning stirs deeply held beliefs, and he hopes the thoughtful and diverse perspectives by the members of the Council will stimulate a national discussion of this important issue.

He has great confidence in the creativity and potential of modern science and medicine. At the same time, we must ensure that advances in biomedical technology never come at the expense of human dignity.

Last year, the House of Representatives passed a comprehensive ban against human cloning by a large bipartisan majority. The President urges the Senate to follow the House's lead and take action this year to ban all human cloning. As the Council's majority recommendation makes clear, no law should be enacted this year that authorizes any human cloning.


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