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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 25, 2001

White House South Lawn Tee Ball Opening Day
White House South Lawn Tee Ball

Opening Day
May 6, 3:00 p.m.

The Washington D.C. Capitol City League Rockies
The Washington D.C. Satchell Paige League Memphis Red Sox

Bob Costas will announce the game

The Famous San Diego Chicken will attend


Media Contact Information

White House: Jim Wilkinson (202) 456-2777 Capitol City Little League President: Ann Kane, (202) 362-9143 or (202) 255-0492 Satchell Paige League President: Keith or Veronica Jones, (202) 882-9114 or (202) 607-6712 Little League Baseball: Lance Van Auken, (570) 326-1921

Questions & Answers on the President's White House Tee Ball Initiative

Beginning this year, the President and First Lady will host a series of Tee ball games for children on the South Lawn.  The President hopes that this initiative spurs interest in baseball and will help promote America's national pastime to people of all ages.

What is Tee Ball?

Tee ball is the entry sport to baseball for young players, generally four to eight years old. Tee ball develops the primary baseball skills of hitting, running, fielding and throwing and gives children solid teamwork experience.  Tee ball is played in every state and territory and in dozens of countries around the world. Participation is estimated at 2.2 million players -- 65% boys and 35% girls.

Members of two teams take turns hitting a ball off a batting tee set on home plate. Batters try to get on base and advance to home; fielders try to prevent that from happening. The elimination of pitching allows children to participate without the fear of being hit by a pitched ball.  The players gain an understanding of the fundamental rules, which allows minimally competitive league play at all age levels.

Where exactly will the games be played?

On the South Lawn near the fountain.

How are the teams selected?

Teams are selected by Little League Baseball in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Will the games be coed?

Yes.  Roughly 35% of all T-Ball players are females.  All games will be coed.

Who pays for this initiative?

The games will take place between teams from the nearby area and region and will involve minimal travel costs.  If funding issues arise the White House Counsel's office will provide guidance.

Why the South Lawn?

The South Lawn has been used in the past for countless different sporting activities and large events such as the annual Easter Egg Roll.


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