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For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
February 7, 2001
Remarks by the President at Tax Family Reunion
The South Lawn
9:37 A.M. EST
THE PRESIDENT: Well, Debora, thank you very much. I'm so honored to see you. And thank you for bringing your son and daughter here. The Vice President and I have been looking forward to this family reunion -- tax family reunion. The nice thing about this reunion is you don't have any annoying relatives to deal with. (Laughter.) But we're glad to welcome you to the White House.
One of the best parts of the campaign was to meet the hardworking Americans who really make up the backbone of our country. I'd go to the different cities around our great nation and get off the airplane, and there would be a tax family. And it was our way to put a face on a piece of important public policy. It was our way to say, behind all the numbers we were talking about and to talk about budget, there were real, live Americans who will benefit.
And I want to thank you all for coming back. I look forward for you to -- look forward to thanking you in person. I look forward to you to see the people's house, the place that Laura and I are now fortunate to call home.
I have one message for all the folks that were our tax families and all the folks from around the country. You help me make my case, and now I intend to make good on my promise. I want it to be said that ours is a plan that fulfills a campaign promise. And that's important. A lot of people look toward the political process and say, oh, these candidates just say something and really don't mean it. Well, when I campaigned for meaningful tax relief, I meant it. And tomorrow I'll submit a plan based upon exactly what I said on the campaign trail. I look forward to working with Congress to get the plan passed.
During the course of the campaign I said it's as if our nation had erected a toll booth right in the middle of the road of the middle class, making it hard for people to access the middle class; making it hard for hardworking Americans to realize more money for their own. And so we're going to start dismantling that toll booth, brick by brick. It begins by simplifying the code. We'll reduce the rates from five to four.
It recognizes that our tax code is unfair. It is unfair to people who struggle to get ahead. It is unfair for the single mom, who lives on the outskirts of poverty, who's working hard to provide for her family. For every additional dollar she makes above $25,000, she pays a higher marginal rate on that dollar than someone who's wealthy. And that's not right and it's not fair. It's not what America is all about, as far as I'm concerned. Our tax code makes the code more fair.
It is also fair that everybody who pays taxes should receive relief. And that's why we drop all rates. We drop the top rate and we drop the bottom rate, and we expand the child credit, from $500 to $1,000. Under our plan, a family of four making $50,000 a year will receive a 50-percent cut in the taxes they pay to the federal government. The average tax load will decrease by $2,000 -- from $4,000 to $2,000.
As Debora said, she calculated our plan and she saves $1,000. Maybe for some the number $1,000 doesn't mean much, and maybe for some $2,000 doesn't mean much. But for thousands of Americans it means a lot.
I want to assure my friends, the tax families who are here, that we will submit a budget as expected to the United States Congress. A budget that sets aside all the payroll taxes for Social Security. A budget that sets clear priorities. A budget that pays down the national debt. And a budget that has got room for a meaningful, substantial tax reduction.
And there's a lot of talk about debt in this town, and it should be talked about, national debt. And our plan pays down debt. But I also want the members of Congress to understand that there are a lot of folks struggling to get ahead who have got high consumer debt. There's a lot of people who are burdened by credit card debt in America. And when you couple that debt overhang with high energy prices, more and more of the backbone of this country struggle to save and struggle to get ahead.
So this tax relief package not only is a way to make sure our economy remains strong, it's a package that understands people need to have more of their own money. It says that with strict budgeting and prioritizing our budget, that when we have surpluses we must remember who pay the bills in America. And it's these folks who pay the bills in this country. And they deserve relief.
And so I call upon Congress, when they think about tax relief, to think about the members of our tax family who represent all the people of our country, who work hard to get into the middle class and to stay in the middle class.
It's an honor to be your President. I'm so thrilled you all are here to say hello to us. I can't wait to greet you inside. Thanks for coming, and God bless you all. (Applause.)
Q Mr. President, Republican leaders are pushing for an even larger tax cut. Sir, do you think that's advisable?
THE PRESIDENT: The tax cut is the right size. I believe it's the right size. And I think it's going to be very important for us and the members of Congress to work together. But I'm going to make my case that the size of the tax relief package I propose is right.
Q So you're saying it would be inadvisable, in your judgment, based on looking at the numbers of the surpluses, et cetera?
THE PRESIDENT: I think for those who want to diminish the size of the tax cut, that would be inadvisable, and for those who want to increase the size of the tax cut would be inadvisable. It's the right size.
Q Could you tell us how it is, sir, that your Chief of Staff didn't know what your plans were for the Office of National AIDS Policy and the President's Initiative for One America?
THE PRESIDENT: We're going to have a -- we're concerned about AIDS inside our White House, make no mistake about it. And ours is an administration that will fight for fair, just law in the country.
Last question.
Q Mr. President, how concerned are you about the outbreak of violence following the election of Ariel Sharon? And, also, can you tell us how you might take a different approach than President Clinton and his administration when it comes to Middle East peacemaking?
THE PRESIDENT: We're going to play the hand we've been dealt. And we're going to play it well, with one thing in mind -- that we promote peace in the Middle East. And I've talked to leaders in the Middle East, urging calm; and so has the Secretary of State.
And I just got off the phone with Prime Minister Barak and told him he fought the valiant fight, and he assured me he would support the government's attempts to bring calm in the region. And we will continue to reach out to the parties in that region to promote an environment of stability and calm, to give the Sharon government a chance to do what he said he was going to do, which was to try to form a unity government and reach out to the parties to promote peace in the region.
See you.
END 9:46 A.M. EST
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