Excerpts from the Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer, January 27, 2003
QUESTION: The chief nuclear inspector said just
now that his team needs a few more months to complete their work. Is the President willing to wait a few more
Well, the President, number one, is very pleased that the inspectors are
there and on the ground and there in a position now, having been there for two
months, to make the assessments that they did this morning up in New York. The process is continuing, but the process is
running out of time.
few more months?
I have not heard the President put a time period on it, so I would
hesitate to do that myself.
QUESTION: What is the President's overall reaction
to Hans Blix's report right now? Is he satisfied with it? And did he have any advance warning of
it? Did he know what
was coming, say, last night?
I think it's fair to say that we have briefings which we receive
generalized information. I don't know
that we had all the prepared text ahead of time. I'm not aware that we did. Perhaps somebody had it; I'm not aware that
that is the case. But we had a
generalized sense of what he was going to say.
I think it's fair to say that Hans Blix gave a report
that is a frightening reminder of the fact that UNSCOM found chemical and
biological weapons in the late 1990s, and according to the United Nations this
morning, no one knows where they are, and the fear is, as Hans Blix said, this is a submerged tip of the iceberg, in terms
of the little that has been found already.
let me address this issue about what has been found. The United Nations reported at the end of the
1990s that Iraq possessed 30,000 chemical
warheads and chemical munitions. The
inspectors, in the eight weeks that they have been in Iraq have found 16 chemical
warheads. At the pace that Iraq is cooperating with the
inspectors, it will take the inspectors another almost 300 years to find the
remaining weapons the United Nations says Saddam Hussein possesses. And this is why the inspectors are doing
their best job, but the more time they get, the more they're getting the
runaround from Saddam Hussein.
QUESTION: Ari, Blix's report
today seemed more negative than positive.
Does the White House feel as though it --
the Blix report will help the President rally
support or cracking down harder or military action, whatever the President
decides? Is this an important step in
terms of his diplomatic, his international diplomatic efforts?
I think from the President's point of view what's important is that the
facts be established. And now that the
inspectors have been there for two months, and we always indicated this would
be an important reporting date. It's
clear from today's important reporting date that Iraq has failed to comply, that Iraq continues to have weapons
of mass destruction that they have not accounted for, and that Iraq's failure to comply has led
to a situation where the inspectors are getting the runaround. That's what today's important reporting date
has shown.
QUESTION: Ari, when we ask you to substantiate your allegation about
a link between Iraq and al Qaeda,
your usual response is to say that to provide any specific intelligence to
support that assertion would compromise sources and methods. Today you've alluded twice to information
gained from interviews with detainees that you said proves that link. It's hard to understand how disclosure of an
interview with a detainee could compromise either sources or methods, because
in this case both the source and the method are --
That's why I said it.
QUESTION: Okay. Would you then consider releasing, for
example, a transcript of the interview with the detainee that establishes that
link so that we can judge more fully the information?
I have no idea about that. I
don't even know if transcripts are taken in that sense. I don't know that there's a White House
stenographer sitting there in that sense.
I'd be happy to take your question up with other people here. But I give you the information because that's
where we have it.
again -- talking about a specific transcript, but
typically in any kind of interview situation, some sort of report, I presume,
is made. Why wouldn't you disclose
that, why wouldn't that help your case --
I think I just did disclose to you the germane part of it.
you haven't disclosed the details of it, and that would certainly seem --
As I indicated, this is an ongoing situation. And I think that there may be more to be said
at the appropriate time.
will you do that? Will you do that, Ari?
As I indicated, I think there may be more to be said at the appropriate
QUESTION: Ari, last summer Secretary Rumsfeld,
and then again later in early fall the President, himself, both of those
gentlemen alluded to a potential link between al Qaeda
and Saddam Hussein. Can you at least
tell us whether or not Secretary Powell's remarks yesterday were based on any
new information since those two remarks were made, in other words, since last
fall and last summer?
Well, of course, we're always reviewing information and getting more
information. And as a result of the
successful prosecution of the war on terror, we continue
to be able to talk to people around the world who have been captured, who give
us information. And then it's all put
together and conclusions try to be reached.
So this is an ongoing gathering of information that leads to ongoing
formations of conclusions.
you saying then that, yes, there is some new information that led to Secretary
Powell making those remarks yesterday at Davos?
I think it's fair to say there is always developing information based on
our successes so far in the war against terror.
QUESTION: Mohamed ElBaradei
said this morning that he felt he could give credible assurance within a
few months that Iraq did not have a nuclear
weapons program. Now as recently as last
week, the administration was saying they continue to have concerns about Iraq's program. Are you in disagreement with ElBaradei on that issue?
Well, I think there's no telling how long it will take because nobody
knows whether Saddam Hussein will ever cooperate or not. By all experience, he has not
cooperated. I remind you that our
concern all along --
did say --
FLEISCHER: I remind you our concern all
along has been, as we've said it unequivocally, Saddam Hussein has chemical
weapons. Saddam Hussein has biological
weapons. We have not made such a flat
statement about nuclear weapons. We have
been concerned about his pursuit to try to develop nuclear weapons. But we have never said that he has them. The biological and chemical can kill millions
enough on their own.
QUESTION: Ari, if you've concluded the Iraqis aren't
complying with the inspectors, why not call a halt now, why not --
you know, to get on with it?
Because as the President said, it's important to continue to consult, to
work with world leaders about how to address the growing problem of Saddam
Hussein's failure to comply with the inspectors; the problem of Saddam Hussein
continuing to have in his possession biological weapons and chemical weapons
which he has not accounted for. And we
will continue to consult per the President's promise.
you see any decisions being made this week or an attempt to reach an
international consensus this week on what to do next?
Well, I don't want to put a timetable on it. I wouldn't want to guess, but I think that
events will develop and they will be driven to the point of conclusion as a
result of Saddam Hussein's failure to comply, and the fact that he remains the
very threat that we feared to begin with.
grounds, though? How do you decide when
he's run out of time?
Well, that will be the judgment the President has to make, and in this
regard the President
will he make it --
I'm sorry?
will he make it after consulting with the United Nations?
Let me try to describe to you, I think, the thoughts that are in the
President's mind as he approaches this.
He approaches this, number one, believing that the most solemn duty of
the President is to protect the country and to protect our people, whether they
are Americans abroad or people here at home, particularly after what we saw on
September 11th. And I think in the State
of the Union tomorrow you are going to hear from the President that very
healthy discussion about the economy, a lot of discussion about improving health
care for Americans; and the President will also talk about security for the
American people, both in terms of homeland security and national security.
that final point, when it comes to national security, I think the President
will continue to consult with our allies, continue to have discussions, as he
did this morning with President Aznar of Spain and others. He will continue to evaluate the information
that he has about the threat that Saddam Hussein presents. And if the President reaches the conclusion
that we have, indeed, reached the end of the line where Saddam Hussein will
not, indeed, disarm and the only way to disarm him is through the use of force,
then the President will, at that moment, share his thinking with the American
people at greater length.
about the United Nations? That was the
As I indicated, he will continue to consult with members of the United
Nations, yes.
the President willing to take more time because he realistically believes that Iraq is going to disarm, or because he needs more international support and
is trying to get it?
Well, I think the President is hopeful that Saddam Hussein will disarm,
but he has not seen any signs that Saddam Hussein will disarm. Clearly, if you listened to what Dr. Blix said at the United Nations this morning, in his
report, now based on two months' worth of being in Iraq, he has indicated that
there are still, in his words, unaccounted for weapons; that he is still
concerned about Iraq's possession of VX from previous inspections, that they
continue to not know its whereabouts. He
said that Iraq has rockets which could be
the tip of a submerged iceberg. He
talked about the possibility of Iraq's continued possession of
anthrax and missiles in excess of 150 kilometers.
President is worried because the United Nations has shown the world that there
are many good reasons to worry about Iraq being in possession of
weapons that are very deadly for millions.
this additional time, then, is really aimed --
since he's very pessimistic about any change of heart in Baghdad -- is
really aimed at bringing the French around and is really aimed at trying to get
more international support that just isn't there right now?
The President will continue, as I said, to consult and to talk to our
allies. But I think it's important for
the world to know what the President has said, that time is running out.
the process, if the President asked for the country to go to war, they're
ultimately going to ask what it is the President is protecting the American
people from in Iraq. What is he protecting us from?
Well, the biggest fear and the biggest concern is that Saddam Hussein
does, indeed, possess weapons of mass destruction in the form of biological and
chemical weapons. And I think it's
important just to take one step back.
And often we talk weapons of mass destruction, as if those are just
vocabulary words. Weapons of mass
destruction will inflict untold horrors on the civilized world. They can take the lives of hundreds of
thousands, if not millions, as well as be a weapon of terror that can
dramatically change the life that the American people have come to live and
is the fear, that Saddam Hussein will indeed unleash these weapons, if he is
able to, or link up with terrorists who will do it for him. It is not an idle fear; it is a real fear,
particularly since we went through what we've gone through as a country since
September 11th. That is the core of it,
David. If Saddam Hussein did not have
these weapons, the President would not have this cause for concern. He has these weapons, he's used them before -- that is the heart of the President's concern.
I just follow on this apparent link to al Qaeda that
is being presented in still rather vague form?
If the President believes that there is a real danger that Saddam
Hussein would task, sell, somehow give his weapons of mass destruction to
groups like al Qaeda, why hasn't it happened since
1991, when we know during that period of time that Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda were busy plotting and carrying out attacks against
the United States?
Well, what we do know is that there clearly have been in the past, and
there have been contacts between senior members of --
senior Iraqi officials and members of the al Qaeda
organization, going back for quite a long time.
We know, too, that several of the detainees, particularly some of the
high-level detainees, have said that Iraq provided some training to
al Qaeda in chemical weapons development.
are contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda. We know that Saddam Hussein has a long
history of terrorism, in general. And,
again, if you're waiting for the smoking gun, the problem is when you see the
smoke coming out of the gun it's too late, the damage has been done.
understand that. But we're talking about
a period of well over 10 years, at a time when al Qaeda
was at full strength, you know, tearing it up, attacking U.S. embassies. If they wanted this kind of thing, as the
President said they do, why didn't they get it through those contacts and
through that training?
One factor I think you also have to consider is, given the fact that Afghanistan provided a very large
training ground and operational ground to al Qaeda,
many of their needs were taken care of in Afghanistan until September 11th, and
then their activities in Afghanistan have been widely
disrupted. And this is an unfolding story,
and I think you'll hear more of it.
QUESTION: You said this morning -- and I quote you -- Iraq must "comply in all
regards -- not in some regards, not in half regards, not
in some areas but not" in other areas.
In other words, you're saying that they're not complying. What will you gain by waiting? Do you think they'll switch totally and start
complying totally? You say, not any partial --
Well, clearly, the President does believe the more pressure on Iraq, the more the chances of
resolving this peacefully. And the
President still hopes that this can be resolved peacefully. Nobody, but nobody, is more reluctant to go
to war than President Bush. Nobody
understands what this entails like the Commander-in-Chief, whose duty and
mission it is to meet with the families, to look them in the eye and to be with
them at a time prior to the going off to war, and hopefully to greet all when
they return from war.
has seen it in Afghanistan, about the suffering this
has caused American families, families of servicemen and women who are asked to
carry out the ultimate sacrifice. He
does not want to lead the nation to war.
He hopes it can be averted. But
he is also clear about the fact that one way to save American lives is to
present -- prevent Saddam Hussein from engaging in
something that could be far, far worse than the price that we've already seen on
September 11th.
you want basically a complete change of strategy from Iraq, helping the inspectors
instead of trying to hide things from them?
The President wants to see Iraq do what Iraq has pledged to do --
which is exactly what South Africa did, that Kazakhstan did and that the
Ukraine did -- which is prove a commitment to
disarmament. There's no reason it has to
take this long. Saddam Hussein, if he
wanted to disarm, could have shown the inspectors where his arms were and
proved that he was a leader intent on peace, not war. Obviously, he has made a decision not to do
that, and that's why Hans Blix this morning walked
through all the weapons that the United Nations knows Iraq has that remain unaccounted
said that you're not going to put a timetable on this, but given what Hans Blix said and what Mohammed ElBaradei
said about needing a few more months, will you at least concede that a few
weeks is probably going to be needed here in order to get at least some of the
allies on board?
The President hasn't put a timetable on it, so I'm not going to put a
timetable on it. The inspections are
continuing. The inspectors were at work
yesterday, the inspectors are at work today, and they will be at work
tomorrow. But the President has made it
clear, and he is trying to rally the world, that time is running out.
the President will continue to rally the world.
And one day, one way, sooner or later, Saddam Hussein will either disarm
so peace can be preserved, or a coalition will be assembled to do the job and to
protect the peace.
a few more weeks is not out of the question?
I can't talk about specific weeks or months.
QUESTION: Ari, when we ask you to substantiate your
allegation about a link between Iraq and al Qaeda,
your usual response is to say that to provide any specific intelligence to
support that assertion would compromise sources and methods. Today you've alluded twice to information
gained from interviews with detainees that you said proves that link. It's hard to understand how disclosure of an
interview with a detainee could compromise either sources or methods, because
in this case both the source and the method are --
That's why I said it.
QUESTION: Okay. Would you then consider releasing, for example,
a transcript of the interview with the detainee that establishes that link so
that we can judge more fully the information?
I have no idea about that. I
don't even know if transcripts are taken in that sense. I don't know that there's a White House
stenographer sitting there in that sense.
I'd be happy to take your question up with other people here. But I give you the information because that's
where we have it.
again -- talking about a specific transcript, but
typically in any kind of interview situation, some sort of report, I presume,
is made. Why wouldn't you disclose
that, why wouldn't that help your case --
I think I just did disclose to you the germane part of it.
you haven't disclosed the details of it, and that would certainly seem --
As I indicated, this is an ongoing situation. And I think that there may be more to be said
at the appropriate time.
will you do that? Will you do that, Ari?
As I indicated, I think there may be more to be said at the appropriate
QUESTION: Ari, last summer Secretary Rumsfeld,
and then again later in early fall the President, himself, both of those
gentlemen alluded to a potential link between al Qaeda
and Saddam Hussein. Can you at least
tell us whether or not Secretary Powell's remarks yesterday were based on any
new information since those two remarks were made, in other words, since last
fall and last summer?
Well, of course, we're always reviewing information and getting more
information. And as a result of the
successful prosecution of the war on terror, we continue to be able to talk to
people around the world who have been captured, who give us information. And then it's all put together and
conclusions try to be reached. So this
is an ongoing gathering of information that leads to ongoing formations of
you saying then that, yes, there is some new information that led to Secretary
Powell making those remarks yesterday at Davos?
I think it's fair to say there is always developing information based on
our successes so far in the war against terror.
QUESTION: Ari, if Saddam Hussein indeed does have
chemical and biological weapons, isn't it the case that we helped get him --
helped him get these weapons with the policies we had in supporting
Saddam Hussein against Iran?
I would differ with that; no. I
think unless you have a specific allegation or a specific company that you'd
like to bring to my attention, the answer is no. If you have a specific, I'd like to evaluate
there was indeed a policy in which we supporting, militarily, Saddam
Hussein. Assumedly, also there was a certain
transfer of technologies to Saddam to fight the Iranians, and in that process,
chemical and biological weapons, or the ability to produce them, could well
have been gotten --
I think you need to back up from the rather generic charge and provide
specifics when it comes to chemical and biological. I think if you have that, offer that, I'll do
my best to get an evaluation of that.
But I don't think you're going to be able to do that in the case of
QUESTION: Two things.
Actually, a follow-up
to the Iraq-U.S. alliance.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported yesterday that a number of major
American corporations
-- including
Hewlett-Packard and Bechtel -- helped Saddam Hussein beef up its military in
the '80s. And also the Washington Post
last month in a front-page article by Michael Dobbs said the United States during the '80s supplied Iraq with cluster bombs,
intelligence and chemical and biological agents.
that same article they reported that Donald Rumsfeld,
now Secretary of Defense, went to Baghdad in December '83 and met
with Saddam Hussein, and this was at a time when Iraq was using chemical weapons
almost on a daily basis in defiance of international conventions.
there are some specifics, and the question is, if Iraq is part of the axis of
evil, why isn't the United States and these American
corporations part of the axis of evil for helping him out during his time of
Russell, as I indicated, I think that you have to make a distinction
between chemical and biological. And,
clearly, in a previous era, following the fall of the Sha
of Iran, when there was a focus on the risks that were underway in the region
as a result of the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Iran, different administrations,
beginning with President Carter, reached different conclusions about the level
of military cooperation vis-a-vis Iraq.
Saddam Hussein since that time has used whatever material he had for the
purpose therefore of attacking Kuwait, attacking Saudia Arabia, attacking Israel. And, obviously, as circumstances warrant, we
have an approach that requires now the world to focus on the threat that Saddam
Hussein presents and that he presents this threat because of his desire to
continue to acquire weapons and his willingness to use those weapons against
was it a mistake for the U.S. to support Saddam?
Russell. Russell.
I could follow-up on it. You and the
President have repeatedly said one of the reasons Saddam is part of the axis of
evil is because he's gassed his own people.
Well, he gassed his own people with our help. You saw the Washington Post article, didn't
you, by Michael Dobbs?
I think that statement is not borne out by the facts. I think that he gassed his own people as a
result of his decisions to use his weapons to gas his own people. And I think the suggestion that you blame America for Iraq's actions is way beyond the
gave him the weapons?
David. David.
QUESTION: Ari, from your comments this morning and Andy Card's
comments about the potential of a holocaust if Saddam used these weapons -- a word I notice you didn't repeat this
morning -- I'm wondering whether you are now beginning
to discuss Saddam's threat as something that is far more imminent than you have
before, and that if we had to take military action, it would be of a preemptive
nature, rather than a preventative nature.
Is it your assessment, or the President's assessment of the evidence now
that, in fact, the threat is quite imminent?
The President is continuing the very policies that he asked for in
September when he asked the inspectors to go into Iraq, and that is to verify
that Iraq has destroyed the weapons of mass destruction that they possess. That policy continues. The inspectors remain there. And if there's anything further beyond that, that would be information that the President would
question, though, is it the President's view right now that the threat from
Saddam is a very imminent one, that he could strike
out at any moment and has intention to?
I think, from the President's point of view, it remains a very grave
what circumstances U.S. can use, as you have
mentioned, nuclear weapons against Iraq, and how to avoid -- like journalists covering the conflict inside
Again, I think that any questions about any type of munitions that would
be used or wouldn't be used, beyond the broad policy that I've already given
you today about not putting anything on the table or taking it off; any
questions about operations need to be addressed to the Pentagon, not to the
White House.
you have any concern that maybe these weapons that Hussein can have can be used
against American troops, and maybe even American journalists?
Do we have concerns about the weapons that Saddam --
we have, indeed, concerns about the weapons that Saddam Hussein has can
be used against a large number of people, including Americans. And Americans include reporters and reporters
from around the world. This is why he is
a risk and a threat, not only to our military forces in the region, our friends
and allies in the region, but all in the region. Weapons don't make distinctions about who
they kill; they kill anybody who is in the area in which they hit.
QUESTION: Ari, this morning you said the administration was looking
for a simple yes or no answer from the weapons report: is Iraq complying, or not. A few minutes ago you said it's clear that so
far Iraq is not complying. It led to the situation and is showing -- is giving the inspectors the runaround. So did this report answer your question, yes
or no?
The report that was provided by Hans Blix this
morning answered an important question the administration has had, and that is,
is Iraq complying? The report released in New York this morning shows,
clearly, Iraq is not complying.