Operation Iraqi Freedom: Special ReportOperation Iraqi Freedom: Special ReportOperation Iraqi Freedom: Special ReportOperation Iraqi Freedom: Special Report
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Denial and Deception Denial and Deception

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 31, 2001

To the Congress of the United States

Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, prior to the anniversary date of its decla-ration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date. In accordance with this provision, I have sent the enclosed notice, stating that the Iraqi emergency is to continue in effect beyond August 2, 2001, to the Federal Register for publication.

The crisis between the United States and Iraq that led to the declaration on August 2, 1990, of a national emergency has not been resolved. The Government of Iraq continues to engage in activities inimical to stability in the Middle East and hostile to United States interests in the region. Such Iraqi actions pose a continuing, unusual, and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. For these reasons, I have determined that it is necessary to maintain in force the broad authorities necessary to apply economic pressure on the Government of Iraq.

  • A Vision for Iraq
  • President Addresses the Nation
  • Why We Know Iraq is Lying
                                   GEORGE W. BUSH


         July 31, 2001.

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