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10 Examples of International Support for the Renewal of Iraq

  1. The United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan said of the Iraqi Governing Council: "[The Council's] formation is an important first step towards the full restoration of Iraqi sovereignty." The UN is supporting the renewal of Iraq through the Oil for Food program, and by providing humanitarian assistance, promoting human rights, and assisting the Iraqi Governing Council in rejoining the international community.

  2. The United Nations Security Council passed, without opposition, Resolution 1483, lifting sanctions against the Iraqi regime.

  3. The top 12 financial supporters for the renewal of Iraq are (in descending order): the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, Norway, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Spain, and Kuwait.

  4. The UN reports that its total humanitarian assistance for the people of Iraq is $2.2 billion, of which $1.2 billion is pledged or contributed from the international community and $1 billion is funded through the Oil for Food program.

  5. In addition, several countries have pledged $800 million to UN programs. Nearly three dozen countries have made pledges or contributions to the renewal of Iraq.

  6. There are now 34 foreign missions in Baghdad. Kuwait has reestablished relations with Iraq.

  7. International pledges for reconstruction assistance are almost $3 billion, and an international conference to discuss additional funding for Iraq is scheduled for the fall.

  8. More than 45 countries have offered military forces. The United Kingdom and Poland are each leading multinational divisions.

  9. Numerous countries have contributed to the Coalition by providing basing and fly-over rights, as well as logistical support.

  10. A total of 19 countries providing more than 13,000 troops in Iraq are supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom, and 14 countries are committed to deploying additional troops.

Results in Iraq: 100 Days Toward Security and Freedom

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