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Why do we need Trade Promotion Authority?
  1. Allows the President to pursue trade agreements to benefit America’s farmers, workers, producers, and families
  2. Opens new markets for America’s exporters and promotes job security for 12 million Americans whose work depends on exports
  3. Promotes new economic opportunities for American workers employed by exporters, because wages for export-dependent jobs are 13 to 18 percent higher than the national average
  4. Encourages innovation, expansion, and new-job creation for small- and medium-size businesses that represent 97 percent of America’s exporters and employ three out of every four workers in America
  5. Levels the playing field by removing trade and investment barriers that have hindered American exports to the rest of the world, where 96 percent of all consumers live
  6. Improves the quality of life for American consumers by providing a greater choice of goods at better prices. Past agreements have benefited the typical family of four an estimated $1,300 to $2,000 a year. Future agreements stand to save Americans thousands more every year.
  7. Advances America’s most important exports – the ideals of freedom and democracy
  8. Builds on previous market-opening successes such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that generates $1.2 million a minute in trade for American exporters
  9. Boosts local economies and jobs for our trading partners in developing countries – which, in turn, improves the standard of living for workers and their families
  10. Provides the foundation for a more peaceful and stable world, and a brighter future for generations of Americans

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