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Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program
Department of Health and Human Services
Federal grants awarded through the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) support family-centered, community-based health initiatives that improve the health status of mothers, infants, children, and adolescents by increasing their access to health services. The intent of the program is to support the development of family-centered, community-based initiatives which: plan and implement innovative and cost-effective approaches for focusing resources to promote community defined preventive child health and developmental objectives for vulnerable children and their families, especially those with limited access to quality health services; foster/promote cooperation among community organizations, individuals, agencies, businesses and families; involve pediatricians and other pediatric health professionals in community-based service programs; and build community and statewide partnerships among professionals in health, education, social services, government, and business to achieve self-sustaining programs to assure healthy children and families.
Grantees receive up to $50,000 in funding per year for five years. The potential grantees must show evidence of the capability to meet cost participation goals by securing funds for the second and sequential years of the project. The program is a collaborative venture between the American Academy of Pediatrics and HRSA’s MCHB.
Approximately $400,000 is available to fund up to 8 projects in FY 2003.
Pending availability of funds and adequate progress, the project period for grants awarded under the FY 2003 competition will be up to five years, starting March 1, 2003 and concluding on February 28, 2008.
Contact: Jose Belardo, Division of Research, Training and Education, Telephone: (301) 443-0757, Fax: (301) 443-4842, E-mail:, CFDA: 93.110
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The purpose of this program is to identify American Indians and Alaska Natives with a potential for education or training in the health professions, and to encourage and assist them to enroll in health or allied health professional schools. The program also aims to increase the number of nurses, nurse midwives, nurse practitioners and nurse anesthetists who deliver health care services to American Indians and Alaska Natives, and to place health professional residents for short-term assignments at Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities as a recruitment aid.
Eligible organizations are public or private nonprofit health or educational entities or Indian tribes or tribal organizations as specifically provided in legislative authority.
Approximately $31,000,000 is appropriated for FY 2003, and the President requested $35,000,000, for the program for FY 2004.
Applications estimated available in August.
Contact: Pat Spottedhorse, (301) 443-5204, CFDA: 93.970
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Telehealth Grant Program
Department of Health and Human Services
This program in the Health Resources and Services Administration provides grants to expand access to, coordinate, restrain the cost of, and improve the quality of essential health care services, including preventive and emergency services, through the development of integrated health care delivery systems or networks in rural areas and regions. Specifically, the purpose of the Rural Telemedicine Grant Program is to demonstrate how Telemedicine can be used as a tool in developing integrated systems of health care, improving access to health services for rural citizens and reducing the isolation of rural health care practitioners. The purpose is also to collect information for a systematic evaluation on the feasibility, costs, appropriateness and acceptability of rural Telemedicine.
An eligible applicant is an entity that is a health care provider and a member of an existing or proposed Telemedicine network, or an entity that is a consortium of health care providers that are members of an existing or proposed Telemedicine network shall be eligible for a grant under this section. An eligible network may include for-profit entities so long as the network grantee is a nonprofit entity.
Approximately $27,000,000 is appropriated for FY 2003, and the President requested $6,000,000 for the program for FY 2004.
Contact: Dena S. Puskin, Sc.D., Director, Office for the Advancement of Telehealth, (301) 443-0447,, CFDA: 93.211
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Delta State Rural Development Network Grant Program
Department of Health and Human Services
To expand access to, coordinate, restrain the cost of, and improve the quality of essential health services, including preventive and emergency services, through the development of integrated health care delivery systems or networks in rural areas and regions.
Eligible applicants are rural public or nonprofit private entities that include three or more health care providers or other entities that provide or support the delivery of health care services. The administrative headquarters of the organization must be located in a rural county or a rural census tract of an urban county; or an organization is constituted exclusively to provide services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers in rural areas and supported under Section 330G of the Public Health Service Act; or the applicant is a Native American Tribal or quasi-tribal entity for services delivered on reservation or recognized tribal lands.
Approximately $5,000,000 is appropriated for FY 2003, and the President requested $5,000,000, for the program for FY 2004.
Contact: Rebecca Hines, (301) 443-0835,, CFDA: 93.912C
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Developmental Disabilities Projects of National Significance
Department of Health and Human Services
To provide for grants, contracts and cooperative agreements for projects of national significance to increase and support the independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion into the community of individuals with developmental disabilities.
In general, funds may be used for personnel, equipment, travel, supplies, etc. Duplicative Federal assistance is precluded. In particular, funds may be used for: (1) family support activities; (2) projects to educate policy makers; (3) projects to conduct data collection and analysis; (4) projects to provide technical assistance for developing information and referral systems; (5) Federal interagency initiatives; (6) technical assistance projects; (7) projects to enhance opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities who are from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds; (8) projects to improve supportive living and quality of life opportunities which enhance recreation, leisure and fitness; (9) projects concerning the transition of youth with developmental disabilities from school to work and to adult life; and (10) other projects of national significance. Funds are not awarded solely for direct service delivery, construction, or for the continuation or expansion of existing projects, but rather for projects which are considered innovative and likely to have significant national impact.
Approximately $12,000,000 is appropriated for FY 2003, and the President requested $12,000,000 for the program for FY 2004.
Contact: April Myers, (202) 690-5985,, CFDA: 93.631
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