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For Immediate Release
Office of Laura Bush
March 5, 2002

White House Conference on Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers
East Room


Dr. Dianne Ashby, Dean of the College of Education, Illinois State University

Ms. Nicole Baker, Teach for America

The Honorable Andrea Ball, Deputy Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady

Dr. Camilla P. Benbow, Dean, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University

The Honorable John A. Boehner, United States Representative (R/Ohio)

Dr. George Boggs, President and CEO, American Association of Community Colleges

Ms. Beth Ann Bryan, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Education

Dr. Kenneth Burnley, Superintendent, Detroit Public Schools

Dr. Tom Carrol, Executive Director, National Commission on Teaching and America's Future

Dr. Michael Casserly, Executive Director, The Council of the Great City Schools

Dr. Louis A. Castenell, Jr., Dean of the College of Education, University of Georgia

Dr. Elizabeth Castor, President and CEO, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

Dr. Julius Chapman, Dean of the Division of Education, Coppin State College

The Honorable Lynne V. Cheney

Mr. Brad Cheves, Vice President for Advancement and Public Affairs, Pepperdine University

Ms. Tina Choi, White House Fellowships

Dr. Susan Cole, President, Montclair State University

The Honorable Susan Collins, United States Senator (R/Maine)

Ms. Kimberly Connors, White House Fellowships

The Honorable Carol D'Amico, Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education

Mr. Richard DeLorenzo, Superintendent, Chugach School District

Dr. Mary Elizabeth Dilworth, Vice President for Research, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

The Honorable Evan S. Dobelle, President, University of Hawaii

Mr. Nicholas C. Donohue, Commissioner of Education, New Hampshire Department of Education

Dr. Jane Doussard-Roosevelt, Phd, Research Associate Professor, Department of Human Development

Dr. Barbara Eason-Watkins, Chief Education Officer, Chicago Board of Education

Dr. Phyllis J. Edmundson, Ed. D., Dean, Graduate School of Education, Portland State University

Dr. Ramona Emmons-Paul, Assistant State Superindentent for Professional Services, Oklahoma State Department of Education

Dr. Donna Browder Evans, Dean of the College of Education, The Ohio State University

Ms. Sandra Feldman, President, American Federation of Teachers

Ms. Aramina Ferrer, New Teacher Project

Dr. Chester E. Finn, Jr., President, Thomas B. Fordham Foundation

Dr. Edward S. Ford, Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet, Office of the Governor of Kentucky

Ms. Jennifer Franke, White House Fellowships

Mr. Mark Frasier, Vice President for Education Policy and Philanthropy, Washington Mutual

Dr. John Gantz, Chief, Troops to Teachers

Dr. Milton Goldberg, Executive Vice President, National Alliance of Business

Dr. Gerardo Gonzalez, Dean of Education, Indiana University at Bloomington

Mr. David W. Gordon, Superintendent, Elk Grove Unified School District

The Honorable Lindsey Graham, United States Representative (R/South Carolina)

Dr. James Griffin, Assistant Director, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Ms. Kara Haas, Legislative Aide for Education, Congressman Castle (R-DE)

Dr. Rosalind Hale, Dean, Division of Education, Xavier University of Louisiana

Mrs. Anne Heiligenstein, Director of Projects to the First Lady

Mr. Daniel Hernandez, Associate Vice Chancellor, Community Development, The Texas A & M University System

Dr. Frederick M. Hess, Assistant Professor of Education and Government, University of Virginia

The Honorable Eugene Hickok, Under Secretary of Education

Ms. JoAnne Holmes, Federal Liaison Representative, Department of Education

Mr. Don Hooper, President, American Association of School Administrators

Dr. Thomas Houlihan, Executive Director, Council of Chief State School Officers

The Honorable Johnny Isakson, United States Representative (R/Georgia)

Ms. Rebecca Jones, Legislative Assistant for Education, Congressman Peter Hoekstra (R-2-MI)

Mrs. Sally Love Joy, Director, Education and Human Resource Policy, Educational and Workforce Committee

Dr. Manuel J. Justiz, Dean of the College of Education, University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Edward J. Kame'enui, Director, Institute for the Development of Educational Achievement

Dr. Augusta Souza Kappner, President, Bank Street College of Education

Ms. Lisa Graham Keegan, CEO, Education Leaders Council

Ms. Barbara B. Kelley, Chair, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

The Honorable Edward M. Kennedy, United States Senator (D/Massachusetts)

Dr. Jolene Koester, President, Cailfornia State University, North Ridge

Sister Jennie Lechtenberg, President, Puente Learning Center

Dr. Jerry C. Lee, Chancellor, National University

Ms. Stephanie Lundberg, Office of The Honorable Lynne V. Cheney

Dr. Michael Lynn, White House Fellowships

Dr. G. Reid Lyon, Chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch, National Institute
of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health

Lt. Col. Bruce McClintock, White House Fellowships

Ms. Sonya E. Medina, Deputy Director of Projects to the First Lady

Ms. Elizabeth Menendez, Teach for America

Dr. Nicholas Michelli, Dean for Teacher Education, City University of New York

Mr. Charles Miller, Chairman of the Board of Regents, University of Texas

Mr. Arthur Moore, Troops to Teachers

Major Ricardo Morales, White House Fellowships

Ms. Linda Morant, Principal, Allen Christian School

Dr. Diana Natalicio, President, University of Texas at El Paso

Commissioner James Nelson, Commissioner of Education, Texas Education Agency

The Honorable Susan B. Neuman, Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education

Ms. Elsa Nunez, Lesley University

Ms. Karla Oakley, Partner, New Teacher Project

Ms. Jane Oates, Senior Education Advisor, Senate Health Committee

Dr. Raygene Paige, Cordova, TN

The Honorable Rod Paige, Secretary of Education

Ms. Jennifer Parker, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities

Dr. Leo Pauls, Executive Director, The Renaissance Group

Mr. Steve Poizner, White House Fellowships

Dr. Michael Poliakoff, President, National Council on Teacher Quality

Dr. Thomas Powell, President, Glenville State College

Dr. Craig Ramey, Director, UAB Civitan International Research Center

Dr. Diane Ravitch, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Sister Joel Read, President, Alverno College

Dr. Suellen K. Reed, CEO, Indiana Department of Education

Ms. Nina Shokraii Rees, Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for Domestic Policy

Ms. Deborah Reeve, Deputy Executive Director, National Association of Elementary and Secondary School Principals

The Honorable Ralph Regula, United States Representative (R/Ohio)

Dr. GeorgeAnn Rice, Associate Superintendent / Human Resources Division, Clark County School District

The Honorable Laurie M. Rich, Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs, Department of Education

Dr. Jose Jaime Rivera, Universidad del Sagrado Corazon

Dr. Jerry Robbins, Dean of the College of Education, Eastern Michigan University

Mr. James Ruhland, President, National School Boards Association

Dr. William Russell, Executive Director, American Education Research Association

Dr. Peter Salins, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, State University of New York

Dr. Mary Sarotte, White House Fellowships

Dr. Leo Sayavedra, Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Texas A & M University Systems

The Honorable Susan Sclafani, Counselor to the Secretary of Education

Dr. Marilyn Sheerer, Professor and Dean, School of Education, East Carolina University

Mr. Lewis C. Solmon, Milken Family Foundation

The Honorable Margaret Spellings, Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy

Mr. Robert Stockwell, Chief Academic Officer for Education Services, Houston Independent School District

Ms. Sally Stroup, Acting Assistant Secretary of Postsecondary Education

Ms. Anna Switzer, Principal, PS 234

Dr. Thomas J. Switzer, Dean of the College of Education, University of Northern Iowa

Dr. Jill Mattuck Tarule, Dean, College of Education and Social Services, University of Vermont

Mr. Jacob Noah Taylor, Director of Public Policy, Association of Community College Trustees

Mr. Franklin Till, Superintendent, Broward Country Schools

Ms. Francine Tompkins, Director of the PK - 16 Initiative, Academic Affairs, University of Wisconsin

Ms. Susan Traiman, Director, Education Initiative, Business Roundtable

Ms. Anne Trenolone, Assistant to the Director of Projects

Ms. Catherine B. Walsh, Senior Policy Analyst, Abell Foundation

Ms. Lucy Weber, Associate Director, White House Fellowship

Dr. Greg Weisenstein, Dean, College of Education, Health and Human Development, Montana State University -- Bozeman

Ms. Brenda Welburn, Executive Director, National Association of State Boards of Education

Ms. Jocelyn White, Director, White House Fellowship

Major Katherine White, White House Fellowships

The Honorable Grover Whitehurst, Assistant Secretary for Research and Improvement, Department of Education

Mrs. Pamela Willeford, Chair, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Dr. Boyce Williams, Vice President, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Edcuation

Ms. Cheryl Williams, Vice President for Education, Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Dr. Arthur Wise, President, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

Dr. Laura Howzell Young, Assistant Professor, College of Education, California State University, San Bernardino

Ms. Sarah E. Youssef, Associate Director for Domestic Policy, Office of Policy Development

Dr. Mark G. Yudof, President, University of Minnesota

Dr. Howard Zucker, White House Fellowships

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