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Saturday, November 17, 2001

Mrs. Bush delivers radio address on Saturday, November 17, 2001

Mrs. Bush is the first First Lady to deliver an entire Presidential Radio Address. In June of this year, Mrs. Bush recorded part of the weekly radio address commemorating Father's Day. Following is some historical information about previous participation by First Ladies in the Presidential Radio Address.

  • In March, First Lady Nancy Reagan participated in an address, discussing a White House "In Performance" event that was occurring that week.

  • In October, Mrs. Reagan participated in an address focusing on the Federal Drug Policy.
  • In the Spring, Mrs. Reagan participated in an address highlighting the "Just Say No" program.
  • First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton participated in an address on the subject of health care.
  • Mrs. Clinton participated in the radio address when she went to tour Hondouras after it was hit by Hurricane Mitch.
    Other facts:
  • First Lady Barbara Bush participated in a syndicated radio program called, "Story Time." She read children's stories on the air.

  • Mrs. Tipper Gore participated in a radio address with President William J. Clinton on the subject of mental health care.

  • Vice President Al Gore did the radio address once because President Clinton had a sore throat.
  • Additional Note: The State Department will release a report tomorrow, "The Taliban's War Against Women," on its website, immediately following Mrs. Bush's radio address.

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