Kansas City Heart Truth Event 
As an advocate of women's health and the messagenger of the dangers of heart disease,
Mrs. Bush visited St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri on September 16, 2003.
St. Luke's is home to the Women's Cardiac Center. Founded in 1994, the Women's
Cardiac Center is designed to help women understand their individual risks for heart
disease by offering the latest information on the unique characteristics of women's
cardiovascular health from risk analysis to early diagnosis and treatment. Through a
one-on-one interactive assessment process, the Women's Cardiac Center's Heart Health
Assessment screening focuses on overall cardiovascular health promotion and disease
prevention, while stimulating and empowering women to take a proactive role in their
cardiovascular health. The Women's Cardiac Center is devoted to the hearts of women,
and cherishes the relationships, partnering, and opportunities to educate women about
their vulnerability to heart disease throughout their lifespan.
To date, the Women's Cardiac Center, a program of the St. Luke's Mid America Heart
Institute, known as a premier, internationally recognized center of excellence for
its work in diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, has educated and empowered over
30,000 women in the Kansas City metropolitan region. In the first ever national
survey of women's heart centers completed by WomenHeart: The National Coalition for
Women with Heart Disease in Washington, DC, the Women's Cardiac Center was sited as a
pioneer in the industry and one of the top eleven centers in the nation. The centers
were surveyed for their gender-sensitive approach for diagnostic screening,
education, treatment, and referral services available to reduce cardiovascular risk
factors, and/or to actively pursue a healthier lifestyle. In addition, the Women's
Cardiac Center was also sited in the June 4, 2003 edition of Woman's Day.
St. Luke's Health System has also incorporated a project titled WHISPER (Women's
Hearts: Ischemic Screening with Proactive Evaluation and Recommendations) to study
the importance of women's "silent" heart risk factors. The study is designed to
provide more information to help women identify their individual risk factors for
heart disease and, if necessary, begin preventive measures. This is a critical
research study that has been funded by St. Luke's Hospital Foundation.
This visit to Kansas City supplemented one of the first locally-organized Heart Truth
events that was being sponsored by the U.S. Health and Human Services Region VII
office located in Kansas City, Missouri. A variety of events were held in locations
around the greater Kansas City area from September 11th - 21st. The highlight of the
effort was an exhibit of The Heart Truth campaign's Red Dress Collection at Halls
Crown Center (a major hotel, shopping, dining and entertainment complex), accompanied
by displays of educational materials and free health screenings.
For more information on St. Luke's Women's Cardiac Center, visit