The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document
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A weekly review of the major events and speeches by the President and his Administration for that week.
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Click here to receive information on the President's actions to protect our homeland including -- proposing a new Department of Homeland Security, enhancing border protection, increasing transportation and aviation security and helping local first responders.

To get updates on the continuing War on Terrorism, including information about coordinating efforts with our international coalition partners, supporting our troops and their families, shutting down terrorist financing and rebuilding a stable and free Afghanistan click here.

Access updates on President Bush's efforts to strengthen America's economy by creating jobs, expanding small business opportunities, improving education, encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting fair trade by clicking here.

Click here to access news and information regarding the President's actions to protect Social Security, give Americans more control over their pensions and help people get better investment advice.

From the historic reforms in the "Leave No Child Behind" program to efforts on making college education more affordable and accessible, click here to receive information about President Bush's goals to improve our public education system for all young Americans.

To get information about President Bush's solutions to our most pressing health care needs-such as prescription drug coverage for Seniors, cancer prevention, wellness programs, strengthening Medicare, funding medical research and expanding community health centers -- click here.

Click here to learn more about the President's call to rally the armies of compassion. Get information on his efforts to create a more compassionate, caring and inclusive society by removing obstacles between faith-based and community initiatives and those most in need, expanding minority homeownership and building on the dignity and responsibility of welfare reform. See how you can be a part of the President's challenge by learning more about USA Freedom Corps.

To receive regular updates about the President's plan for healthy forests, programs to improve and care for our National Park System, conservation efforts on America's farms and protection of wildlife and environmental areas click here.


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