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Dear Mr. President,

I am an American. I am not of one color, but of many.
My forefathers are not from one country, but from all countries. I have brothers and sisters from Washington state to Washington D.C., from California to the Carolinas, from Hawaii to New Hampshire, from Alaska to Alabama, and from Minnesota to Mississippi.

I am an American. I believe in the importance of sharing Thanksgiving Dinner with your family, and Fourth of July parades with your community. I enjoy the peace of Christmas Day, and the excitement of New Year's Eve.

I am an American. I believe in a kind and benevolent God, Who does not condone the taking of innocent life. I believe our worth is measured not by what we have, but by what we do.

I am an American. I believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, The constitution and the Bill of Rights. And I believe in the Pledge of Allegiance to Our Flag.

From flag pins to poems, a surge of patriotism swept the nation after the attacks on 9-11.

Standing for the Flag Photos
Patriotic Letters


John from Rome, New York

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