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President George W. Bush stands with the recipients of the 2006 President's "E" award and "E" Star award for export achievement, May 24, 2007, in the Oval Office. The “E” Award is presented by the Department of Commerce to persons and organizations engaged in the marketing of products that make significant contributions to the expansion of the export trade of the United States. White House photo by Joyce Boghosian
President George W. Bush stands with the recipients of the 2006 President's "E" award and "E" Star award for export achievement, May 24, 2007, in the Oval Office. The “E” Award is presented by the Department of Commerce to persons and organizations engaged in the marketing of products that make significant contributions to the expansion of the export trade of the United States. White House photo by Joyce Boghosian
President George W. Bush sits across from Vice Premier Wu Yi of the People's Republic of China, during a meeting Thursday, May 24, 2007, with the Chinese Delegation to the Strategic Economic Dialogue at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. White House photo by David Bohrer
President George W. Bush emphasizes a point as he responds to a question Thursday, May 24, 2007, during a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House. White House photo by Joyce Boghosian
President George W. Bush responds to a reporter's question Thursday, May 24, 2007, during a morning press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House. White House photo by Joyce Boghosian
President George W. Bush listens to a question Thursday, May 24, 2007, during a press conference in the Rose Garden. The President said, "Today, Congress will vote on legislation that provides our troops with the funds they need. It makes clear that our Iraqi partners must demonstrate progress on security and reconciliation. As a result, we removed the arbitrary timetables for withdrawal and the restrictions on our military commanders that some in Congress have supported." White House photo by Chris Greenburg
President George W. Bush stands with the recipients of the 2006 President's "E" award and "E" Star award for export achievement, May 24, 2007, in the Oval Office. The “E” Award is presented by the Department of Commerce to persons and organizations engaged in the marketing of products that make significant contributions to the expansion of the export trade of the United States. White House photo by Joyce Boghosian

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