The President's Malaria Initiative Is Saving Lives
2007 State of the Union Policy Initiatives
In Focus: White House Summit on Malaria
Tonight, President Bush Will Discuss How The President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) Is Saving Lives. President Bush
announced the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) in June 2005. A five-year, $1.2 billion program, PMI challenges the private
sector to join the U.S. government in combating malaria in 15 of the hardest-hit African countries. PMI's goal is to cut
malaria's mortality rate by 50 percent in these target countries, freeing the citizens of these African nations from the grip of
this debilitating disease.
- Through Partnerships Working In The First Three Target Countries – Angola, Tanzania, And Uganda – Aid From
The American People Has Already Reached About 6 Million Africans. In 2007, 30 million more will receive lifesaving
medicines, sprays, and bed nets as the program expands. Other target countries are: Malawi, Mozambique,
Rwanda, Senegal, Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, and Zambia.
- PMI Has Helped Deliver Bed Nets To Zanzibar And Tanzania Where Malaria Is The Leading Cause Of Death. In
early 2006, PMI and the Global Fund collaborated to distribute more than 230,000 insecticide-treated bed nets to the
people of Zanzibar. As a result, Zanzibar has seen a startling decrease in its reported malaria cases and quicker
recovery for those infected. On Pemba Island, the number of confirmed malaria cases reported between January and
September 2006 dropped 87 percent from the same period in 2005. In Zanzibar, malaria was greatly reduced among
children under age five after new U.S. and other assistance began, according to local health officials. The success in
Zanzibar shows that malaria can be controlled in larger regions.
Developments From The White House Summit On Malaria
At The President And Mrs. Bush's White House Summit On Malaria On December 14, 2006, The President:
- Launched The Malaria Communities Program. The President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) launched the Malaria
Communities Program, a $30 million initiative to build independent, sustainable malaria-control projects in Africa by
providing grants to African Non-Governmental Organizations and religious groups to support malaria-control work. These
initiatives will protect children and families and will help citizens take charge of their own health.
- Expanded The "Volunteers For Prosperity" Program For Malaria. Many groups fighting malaria depend on the
generosity of skilled professionals like doctors and nurses, who volunteer their services far from home. Through the
President's Volunteers for Prosperity program, organizations involved in the PMI can receive grants for highly skilled
volunteers to contribute their efforts.
- Designated April 25, 2007, As "Malaria Awareness Day." The more people know about this disease, the more quickly
we can defeat it. President Bush will designate April 25, 2007, as "Malaria Awareness Day." African countries and other
nations commemorate April 25 to raise global awareness of malaria, and to reaffirm their commitment to fighting this
disease. The United States is proud to stand with them.
For More Information On The President's Malaria Initiative, Please Visit: