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Messages From The President

Welcome Message From The President
"Welcome to the web site. We’re all here to make a difference -- a big difference -- to tackle big issues like creating economic security for all Americans, protecting the homeland, and strengthening our national defenses. Another issue that is critical to the success of this administration is the implementation of my management agenda. We’re interested in results, and to be effective, we have to work together and learn from each other. This site will help us do that."

President Sets Goals And Expectations For His Appointees
On February 13, 2002, President Bush spoke to his management team, the cabinet and sub-cabinet appointees, about his goals and expectations for the future.

Video   |   Transcript

President Bush's leadership, September 14, 2001
September 14, 2001 was an extraordinary day in the life of the President and the country. White House Chief of Staff Andy Card recently discussed this day in an address to more than 1,000 federal employees. Note that the video is 33 minutes long. We believe you will want to find the time to see it all, in one sitting or several.

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