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Additional Symptoms of Potomac Fever
After reading about Potomac Fever, members of the President's team have identified additional symptoms.
"I'm too busy to attend that meeting -- I'm sending my confidential assistant to take notes."
Excessive concern about the size of one's office space. Evidenced by the counting of tiles above cubical spaces to ensure the size of the cubical matches the entitled space.
"Them" as in career staff versus "Us" as in political appointees.
The desire to construct entire speeches out of acronyms.
One last note of warning, the young may be more susceptible to Potomac Fever. As one team member notes,
"The affliction often attacks the young who have yet to discover who they are as individuals. They believe that Senators, Mayors, Governors, etc. rush to take their telephone calls because it is they who are calling. They fail to understand, it is the office they represent that gets their calls
answered. These individuals go through a difficult adjustment period once they leave an Administration and suddenly no one returns their call. Many crash and burn once they leave."