First Name |
Last Name |
Title |
Amy |
Mack |
Senior Advisor to the Corporation for National and Community Service (Chief of Staff) |
Leo |
Mackay |
Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs |
James |
Mahoney |
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere |
Fran |
Mainella |
Director of the National Parks Service |
Gordon |
Mansfield |
Assistant Secretary for Congressional Affairs in the Department of Veterans Affairs |
Craig |
Manson |
Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish & Wildlife |
Jack |
Marburger |
Director of the Office of Science & Technology Policy |
Rosario |
Marin |
U.S. Treasurer |
John |
Marshall |
Assistant Administrator of USAID for Management |
Bob |
Martin |
Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services |
Jack |
Martin |
Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Education |
Mel |
Martinez |
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development |
Eileen |
Mason |
Senior Deputy Chairman (Chief of Staff) National Endowment for the Arts |
Mary |
Matalin |
Assistant to the President and Counselor to the Vice President |
Neal |
McCaleb |
Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs |
Robert |
McCallum |
Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division |
Tim |
McClain |
General Counsel of the Department of Veterans Affairs |
Mark |
McClellan |
Commissioner of Food and Drugs |
Scott |
McClellan |
Deputy Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy Press Secretary |
John |
McConnell |
Deputy Assistant to the President, Deputy Director of Presidential Speechwriting and Assistant to the Vice President |
Tammy |
McCutchen |
Administrator, Wage and Hour Administration |
Patrick |
McFarland |
Inspector General of the Office of Personnel Management |
John |
McLaughlin |
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence |
Donna |
McLean |
Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Budget & Programs and CFO |
Ted |
McPherson |
Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Agriculture |
Kyle |
McSlarrow |
Chief of Staff of the Department of Energy |
Ken |
Mead |
Inspector General of the Department of Transportation |
Vickers |
Meadows |
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Administration |
Tracy |
Mehan |
Assistant Administrator of Environmental Protection for Water |
Bruce |
Mehlman |
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy |
Ken |
Mehlman |
Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Political Affairs |
Harriet |
Miers |
Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary |
Norm |
Mineta |
Secretary of Transportation |
Samuel |
Mok |
Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Labor |
Michael |
Montelongo |
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management |
Brian |
Montgomery |
Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Advance |
Dale |
Moore |
Chief of Staff of the Department of Agriculture |
Powell |
Moore |
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs |
Alberto |
Mora |
General Counsel of the Navy |
Diane |
Morales |
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics |
Steven |
Morello |
General Counsel of the Army |
Jim |
Moseley |
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture |
John |
Moseman |
Chief of Staff of the Central Intelligence Agency |
Everett |
Mosley |
Inspector General of USAID |
Bob |
Mueller |
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Scott |
Muller |
General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency |
Lynne |
Munson |
Deputy Chairman and Chief of Staff of the National Endowment for the Humanities |
Elsa |
Murano |
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety |
Bill |
Myers |
Solicitor of the Department of the Interior |
Arthur |
Naparstek |
Director, The Corporation for National and Community Service |
Andrew |
Natsios |
Administrator of USAID |
William |
Navas |
Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower & Reserve Affairs |
Richard |
Nedelkoff |
Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance |
Kim |
Nelson |
Assistant Administrator of Environmental Protection for the Office of Environmental Information |
Susan |
Neuman |
Assistant Secretary of Education for Elementary & Secondary Education |
Constance |
Newman |
Assistant Administrator of USAID for Africa |
Gale |
Norton |
Secretary of the Interior |