Introduction to Results.Gov from Clay Johnson

We hope you find this Results.Gov website of value. We want to keep you informed of the President's expectations, goals, and policies and to let you know whom the Administration's leaders are and how to get in touch with them. We also want to support the implementation of the very important President's Management Agenda, and to help you be most knowledgeable about many of the rules and processes that are particular to the Federal government.

We invite every Federal employee, every member of the President's team, political or career, to use this site. Here you can find:

  • messages from the President on what he expects of us and how he believes we are doing,
  • pictures, brief bios, and contact information for each Senate confirmed appointee, the Chiefs of Staff, and senior White House staff members,
  • monthly progress reports on each of the five components of the President's Management Agenda,
  • periodic reports from each of the Departments and Agencies on their Management Agenda successes and setbacks,
  • information to help you better understand the Federal ethics rules, records management, the legislative process, and other matters particular to Washington, and
  • interviews and commentary from government leaders, past and present.

We want the site to help you, the Administration, and the entire Federal government be successful at better serving the American people.

We welcome your feedback about the site, what you like and don't like, and who you would like to hear from and on what topics. Please use the email feature at the bottom of the President's Team page to let us know what you think about Results.Gov.

Thank you,

Clay Johnson, Deputy Director of OMB for Management

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