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William Tobey -- Department of Energy
Deputy Administrator, Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, NNSA

William H. Tobey is Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation of the National Nuclear Security Administration. He is responsible for managing programs to prevent the spread of materials, technology, and expertise relating to weapons of mass destruction and to eliminate inventories of surplus fissile material. Prior to his present post, Mr. Tobey served on the National Security Council Staff in the Reagan, Bush (41), and Bush (43) administrations, working on defense policy, arms control, and nonproliferation issues. He has participated in a variety of international negotiations including the Nuclear and Space Talks with the Soviet Union, the U.S.-Russia Space Cooperation Agreement, and the Six Party Talks on North Korea’s nuclear programs. He began his public service as a Presidential Management Intern in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Mr. Tobey’s private sector experience includes heading Wachovia Securities’ institutional sales/trading operations for convertible securities and acting as general partner of a venture capital firm focused on information technology. He holds degrees from Northwestern and Harvard Universities. He and his wife Elizabeth and their daughters Emma and Beatrix reside in Bethesda, Maryland.

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