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Joseph Black -- Department of State
Coordinator for Counterterrorism

The State Department is the lead federal agency dealing with international terrorism, and Ambassador Black’s office, S/CT, has primary responsibility for developing, coordinating, and implementing U.S. counterterrorism policy. On behalf of the Secretary, Ambassador Black represents the Department on the Counterterrorism Security Group. His office plays a leading role on the Department of State’s counterterrorism task forces organized to coordinate responses to international terrorist incidents. Ambassador Black’s responsibilities include coordinating U.S. Government efforts to improve counterterrorism cooperation with foreign governments, including the policy and planning of the Department’s Antiterrorism Training Assistance Program. Ambassador Black has had a distinguished 28-year career in the Directorate of Operations at the Central Intelligence Agency. Prior to joining the State Department Ambassador Black was the Director of the CIA Counterterrorist Center. In this capacity he served as the CIA Director’s Special Assistant for Counterterrorism as well as the National Intelligence Officer for Counterterrorism. During his CIA career, Ambassador Black served six foreign tours in field management positions. In 1995, Ambassador Black was named the Task Force Chief in the Near East and South Asia Division. From June 1998 through June 1999 he served as the Deputy Chief of the Latin America Division. In addition to numerous exceptional performance awards and meritorious citations, Ambassador Black received the Distinguished Intelligence Medal, the George H. Bush Medal for Excellence, and the Exceptional Collector Award for 1994. Ambassador Black was born in Stamford, Connecticut and received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the University of Southern California in International Relations.

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