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Robert McCallum -- Department of Justice
Associate Attorney General

Robert D. McCallum, Jr., appointed by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the United States Senate to serve as Associate Attorney General, was sworn in to that position on July 1, 2003. Prior to that, he had served as Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division since September, 2001. The Civil Division, with over 700 attorneys, is the largest Legal Division in the Department. As Assistant Attorney General, Mr. McCallum oversaw litigation involving, for example, the defense of challenges to Presidential actions and acts of Congress; national security issues; immigration; benefit programs; commercial issues including health care fraud, banking, insurance, patents, debt collection; and the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. Before joining the Civil Division, Mr. McCallum was a partner at Alston & Bird in Atlanta, Georgia. He joined the firm in 1973 and specialized in appellate practice, commercial real estate litigation, insurance class action litigation and administrative proceedings, and medical malpractice defense. Mr. McCallum received his undergraduate degree as well as his law degree from Yale University. He also attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar in 1971.

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