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S. Ward Casscells -- Department of Defense
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs

Prior to his appointment as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs on 16 April, 2007, Dr. Casscells served as the John Edward Tyson Distinguished Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and Public Health at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. He was also the Director of Clinical Research at the Texas Heart Institute, where his clinical practice and research programs, in collaboration with James T. Willerson, M.D., focused on prevention of heart attack and stroke using advanced diagnostic techniques to identify vulnerable patients early, so that treatment with lifestyle changes and medications decrease heart attack, stroke, and need for surgery. In collaboration with colleagues John Mendelsohn, M.D. and Juri Gelovani, M.D. at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, they established CABIR, the Center for Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research. He has also been a leader in disaster medicine, and pandemic preparedness. He and his colleague Dr. Mohammad Madjid were the first to identify influenza as a trigger of heart attack.

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