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Jim Nussle -- Office of Management and Budget
Director, Office of Management and Management and Budget

Jim Nussle is the Director of the Office of Management and Budget. On Tuesday, September 4, 2007, he was confirmed by the Senate with a broad, bipartisan vote. Jim began his 25 years of public service after his graduation from Luther College (BA ’83) in Decorah, IA and from Drake University Law School (JD ’85) in Des Moines, IA. In 1986, he was elected the Delaware County Attorney, the chief law enforcement officer and prosecutor of the county. And in 1990, Jim ran for Congress and was elected the youngest Member of Congress at age 30. Jim served on key committees during his 16 years in the Congress, including the Agriculture, Banking, and Ways and Means Committees. He also was elected by his peers to Chair the House Budget Committee during some of the most challenging fiscal times our country has experienced including September 11th, economic recession and the global war on terror. Jim successfully developed and approved six budgets which helped reduce the deficit and restrain government spending while investing in our economic growth and national security. In 2007, Jim retired from Congress after he was chosen to be the Republican nominee for Governor of Iowa in 2006. Jim and his wife Karen live in Manchester, Iowa with his two teenage children.

Jim Nussle
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