Messages From The President
Video and transcripts of recent remarks.
Appointee Directory
Get bios and photos of appointees online.
Department Links
Links to departments and cabinet level offices.
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Welcome Message From The President
"Welcome to Results.gov web site. We're all here to make a difference, a big
difference -- to tackle big issues like economic security, and winning the war
on terror to make sure our homeland is secure, and my management agenda. We're
interested in results, not process. To be most effective, we have to work
together and learn from each other. And this site will help us do that."
Appointee Directory
Bios and photos of appointees at Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Health & Human Services, Housing & Urban Development, Justice, Interior, Treasury,
Transportation, Veterans Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency
are online.
Department Links
Links to departments and cabinet level offices included in the
Executive Office of the President.