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Appointee Directory

First Name Last Name Title
William Eaton Assistant Secretary of State for Administration
Gary Edson Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs and Deputy National Security Advisor
Nora Egan Chief of Staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs
Thomas Ehrlich Director, The Corporation for National and Community Service
Gordon England Secretary of the Navy
Ellen Engleman Research & Special Programs Administrator at the Department of Transportation
Donald Ensenat Chief of Protocol at the Department of State
Clark Ervin Inspector General of the Department of State
Tucker Eskew Deputy Assistant to the President for Communications
Don Evans Secretary of Commerce
Mark Everson Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget
Bob Fabricant General Counsel of the Environmental Protection Agency
Doug Feith Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Melody Fennel Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Congressional & Intergovernmental Affairs
D. Cameron Findlay Deputy Secretary of Labor
Glenn Fine Inspector General of the Department of Justice
Mario Fiori Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations & Environment
Linda Fisher Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Peter Fisher Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance
John Flaherty Chief of Staff of the Department of Transportation
Tim Flanigan Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Counsel to the President
Ari Fleischer Assistant to the President and White House Press Secretary
Robert Flores Director of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Joseph Flynn Chief of Staff of The Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Phyllis Fong Inspector General of the Small Business Administration
Carl Ford Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research
Henrietta Holsman Fore Executive Director of the U.S. Mint
Lori Forman Assistant Administrator of USAID for Asia & the Near East
Jose Fourquet U.S. Executive Director of the Inter-American Development Bank
J. Edward Fox Assistant Administrator of USAID for Legislative & Public Affairs
Adolfo Franco Assistant Administrator of USAID for Latin American & the Caribbean
Emil Frankel Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy
Johnnie Frazier Inspector General of the Department of Commerce
Sharee Freeman Director of the Community Relations Service in the Department of Justice
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