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Appointee Directory

First Name Last Name Title
Department of Justice - DOJ
John Ashcroft Attorney General
David Ayres Chief of Staff of the Department of Justice
Juan Carlos Benitez Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices
Ralph Boyd Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division
John Brown Deputy Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration
Dan Bryant Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs
Jay Bybee Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel
Michael Chertoff Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division
Deborah Daniels Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs
Viet Dinh Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Policy
Glenn Fine Inspector General of the Department of Justice
Robert Flores Director of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Sharee Freeman Director of the Community Relations Service in the Department of Justice
John Gillis Director of the Office of Victims of Crime
Lawrence Greenfeld Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics
Sarah Hart Director of the National Institute of Justice
Asa Hutchinson Director of the Drug Enforcement Administration
Charles James Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division
Robert McCallum Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division
Bob Mueller Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Richard Nedelkoff Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance
Lee O'Connor Assistant Attorney General, Tax Division
Ted Olson Solicitor General of the United States
Benigno Reyna Director of the U.S. Marshals Service
Thomas Sansonetti Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division
Jay Stephens Associate Attorney General
Larry Thompson Deputy Attorney General
Mauricio Tomargo AChairman of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
Jim Ziglar Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization (INS)
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