President George W. Bush: Resources for the President's Team The White House
President Bush delivers remarks to Cabinet and Sub-Cabinet Members in the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 16, 2002.  White House photo by Paul Morse.
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Appointee Directory

First Name Last Name Title
Leo Mackay Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs
James Mahoney Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere
Fran Mainella Director of the National Parks Service
Gordon Mansfield Assistant Secretary for Congressional Affairs in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Craig Manson Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish & Wildlife
John Marburger Director of the Office of Science & Technology Policy
Rosario Marin U.S. Treasurer
John Marshall Assistant Administrator of USAID for Management
Jack Martin Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Education
Mel Martinez Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Mary Matalin Assistant to the President and Counselor to the Vice President
Neal McCaleb Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Indian Affairs
Robert McCallum Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division
Tim McClain General Counsel of the Department of Veterans Affairs
Mark McClellan Member, Council of Economic Advisers
Scott McClellan Deputy Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy Press Secretary
Tammy McCutchen Administrator, Wage and Hour Administration
Patrick McFarland Inspector General of the Office of Personnel Management
Eileen McGinnis Chief of Staff of the Environmental Protection Agency
John McLaughlin Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Donna McLean Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Budget & Programs and CFO
Ted McPherson Chief Financial Officer at the Department of Agriculture
Kyle McSlarrow Chief of Staff of the Department of Energy
Ken Mead Inspector General of the Department of Transportation
Vickers Meadows Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Administration
Tracy Mehan Assistant Administrator of Environmental Protection for Water
Bruce Mehlman Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Technology Policy
Ken Mehlman Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Political Affairs
Harriet Miers Assistant to the President and Staff Secretary
Norm Mineta Secretary of Transportation
Samuel Mok Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Labor
Michael Montelongo Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management
Brian Montgomery Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Advance
Dale Moore Chief of Staff of the Department of Agriculture
Powell Moore Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs
Alberto Mora General Counsel of the Navy
Diane Morales Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics
Steven Morello General Counsel of the Army
Everett Mosley Inspector General of USAID
Jim Moseley Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
John Moseman Chief of Staff of the Central Intelligence Agency
Bob Mueller Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Lynne Munson Deputy Chairman and Chief of Staff of the National Endowment for the Humanities
Elsa Murano Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety
Bill Myers Solicitor of the Department of the Interior
Arthur Naparstek Director, The Corporation for National and Community Service
Andrew Natsios Administrator of USAID
William Navas Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower & Reserve Affairs
Richard Nedelkoff Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance
Kim Nelson Assistant Administrator of Environmental Protection for the Office of Environmental Information
Susan Neuman Assistant Secretary of Education for Elementary & Secondary Education
Constance Newman Assistant Administrator of USAID for Africa
Gale Norton Secretary of the Interior
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