Office of Management and Budget Print this document
May 15, 2002 SAP - H.R. 4737 - Personal Responsibility, Work, and Family Promotion Act of 2002

May 9, 2002 SAP - H.R. 4546 - Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2003

May 8, 2002 SAP - H.R. 3009 - Andean Trade Preference Expansion Act

SAP - H.J. Resolution. 84 - Disapproving the President's Steel Safeguard Action

SAP - H.J. Resolution 87 - Yucca Mountain, Nevada Nuclear Waste Repository

May 7, 2002 SAP - H.R. 4560 - Auction Reform Act

May 6, 2002 Media Advisory - OMB Accelerates Effort to Open Federal Regulatory Process to Citizens and Small Businesses (129k)

Media Advisory - OMB Moves to Save Taxpayer Dollars on Printing Costs (237k)

M-02-08, Redundant Information Systems Relating to On-Line Rulemaking Initiative (111k)

Federal Register Notice - Competition in Contracting; Contract Bundling (114k)

Federal Register Notice - Determination of Executive Compensatoin Benchmark Amount Pursuant (63k)

May 3, 2002 M-02-07, Procurement of Printing and Duplicating through the Government Printing Office (123k)

May 2, 2002 OMB Testimony - Federal Information Systems Security and the Federal Information Security Management Act

May 1, 2002 Federal Register Notice - Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated by the Office of Management and Budget

Draft Office of Management and Budget Information Quality Guidelines and Request for Comment (140k)

OMB Testimony - Rightsizing

OMB Testimony - Managing Purchase Card Programs

SAP - H.R. 2604 - Multilateral Bank Reauthorization

April 30, 2002 SAP - H.R. 3801 - Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002

Bulletin No. 02-04 - Physicians Comparability Allowance Data Reporting Requirements

April 29, 2002 Media Advisory - GovBenefits Web Site Officially Launched (178k)

Bulletin No. 02-03 - Expedited Processing of National Security Clearances using the Clearance Verification System (101k)

April 25, 2002 Media Advisory - Labor Department and OMB to Launch GovBenefits Web Site (78k)

April 24, 2002 Media Advisory - OMB Director will address the Federalist Society Thursday (82k)

M-02-06, Planning for the President's Fiscal Year 2004 Budget Request

SAP - H.R. 3231 - Barbara Jordan Immigration Reform and Accountability Act of 2002

April 23, 2002 SAP - H.R. 3763 - Corporate and Auditing Accountability, Responsibility, and Transparency Act of 2002

SAP - H.R. 3839 - Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2002

April 18, 2002 SAP - H.R. 586 - Fairness for Foster Care Families Act of 2001

Rotational Opportunity - Transportation, Commerce and Justice Services Division, Commerce Branch

M-02-05, Use of Government Purchase and Travel Cards

April 17, 2002 SAP - H.R. 476 - Child Custody Protection Act

April 16, 2002 Media Advisory - POTUS Budget Event at 3 p.m. Today (63k)

Media Advisory - OMB Issues First Alternative Dispute Resolution Awards (74k)

April 15, 2002 Media Advisory - OMB Director to Address American League of Lobbyists (73k)

Public Availability of Year 2001 Agency Inventories Under the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-270) ("FAIR Act")

April 11, 2002 New Report Finds Americans Spent 1.5 Billion More Hours on Federal Paperwork (96k)

SAP - H.R. 3762 - Pension Security Act of 2002

Managing Information Collection and Dissemination (1mb)

OMB Testimony - Paperwork Reduction Act

OMB Testimony - Homeland Security

April 5, 2002 Circular A-133, March 2002 Compliance Supplement

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